
A Choropleth Map of adults age 25 and greater with a bachelor's degree or higher per county


A Choropleth Map of adults age 25 and greater with a bachelor's degree or higher per county

User Story #1: My choropleth should have a title with a corresponding id="title".

User Story #2: My choropleth should have a description element with a corresponding id="description".

User Story #3: My choropleth should have counties with a corresponding class="county" that represent the data.

User Story #4: There should be at least 4 different fill colors used for the counties.

User Story #5: My counties should each have data-fips and data-education properties containing their corresponding fips and education values.

User Story #6: My choropleth should have a county for each provided data point.

User Story #7: The counties should have data-fips and data-education values that match the sample data.

User Story #8: My choropleth should have a legend with a corresponding id="legend".

User Story #9: There should be at least 4 different fill colors used for the legend.

User Story #10: I can mouse over an area and see a tooltip with a corresponding id="tooltip" which displays more information about the area.

User Story #11: My tooltip should have a data-education property that corresponds to the data-education of the active area.

Here are the datasets you will need to complete this project:

  • US Education Data: https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/data/choropleth_map/for_user_education.json
  • US County Data: https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/data/choropleth_map/counties.json