
This repo contains a makefile project that links in the ARM mbed and mbed-rtos libraries. It requires that users supply their own copies of each library. Mainly, this was a practice project for me. It demonstrates how to create a fairly generic multi-directory makefile. I will probably use a very similar configuration in future projects.

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

!Certified to work on my machine


This project is designed as a template for a multi-directory ARM makefile project that also links to the mbed and mbed-rtos libraries. I tried to keep the build system fairly simple, but at the same time I wanted to keep everything neatly organized. The table below explains the contents of each top-level folder.

Folder Description
debug Debugging symbols and binaries from the compiled project
lib Libraries that will be linked in or compiled as part of the project
obj Destination for all intermediate object files
release Binaries compiled without debugging symbols, size-optimized by default
scripts Scripts used during the build process (see below)
src Source code

Obtaining copies of mbed and mbed-rtos

I have not included copies of mbed and mbed-rtos with this project directly because up-to-date versions are easily obtainable from the mbed website. The links above provide access to the downloads. If you have an mbed account (which is free), you can download mbed as a Mercurial repository, which can be more convenient in some cases. Otherwise, anyone can download the zip or gz files for the current versions.

Using the Makefile

At the top of the makefile, there are several user-configurable parameters designed to enable the Makefile to be easily portable.

Variable Description
PROJECT Project name, used to name the binary
TARGET Target board/device to use
DEBUG 1 => compile with debugging symbols; 0 => compile with -Os

There are also a variety of rules that help with project management and debugging...

Rule Description
clean Deletes automatically generated files (object files, logs, ...) and reverts submodules to their last commit
update Pulls lastest changes in submodules
size Outputs the size of the most recently compiled code
flash Writes current binary to micrcontroller flash
gdb Invokes gdb with the appropriate arguments