
A custom Xcode color theme

How to Install

  1. Select the green Code button in the top right corner of the page


  1. Select Download ZIP from the dropdown

  2. Make sure to unzip your downloaded file and locate Hikarian.xccolortheme

  3. Now tap on the Finder icon and navigate to the Go dropdown in the upper left corner of the screen

  4. While the dropdown is present, hold down the option key (you should see an option called Library appear)


  1. Select Library from the dropdown and then navigate yourself to UserData via Developer -> Xcode -> UserData

  2. If you do not see a folder in UserData called FontAndColorThemes, go ahead and create one

  3. In UserData, drag and drop Hikarian.xccolortheme from step 3 into the FontAndColorThemes folder

  4. Restart Xcode

  5. With Xcode open, navigate to the Xcode -> Preferences dropdown in the upper left corner of the screen

  6. Select the Fonts and Colors tab from the popup window

  7. Select Hikarian from the left panel and close the window


You should now be all set to go with your new custom Xcode color theme!


Source Editor

Font: Andale Mono - 11.0

Plain Text: #CCCCCC (Hex: #CCCCCC | R: 204 G: 204 B: 204)

Comments: #4C4C4C (Hex: #4C4C4C | R: 76 G: 276 B: 76)

Documentation Markup: #414141 (Hex: #414141 | R: 65 G: 65 B: 65)

Documentation Markup Keywords: #414141 (Hex: #414141 | R: 65 G: 65 B: 65)

Strings: #FFFF00 (Hex: #FFFF00 | R: 255 G: 255 B: 0)

Characters: #786DFF (Hex: #876DFF | R: 120 G: 109 B: 255)

Numbers: #FFFF66 (Hex: #FFFF66 | R: 255 G: 255 B: 102)

Keywords: #FF3A50 (Hex: #FF3A50 | R: 255 G: 58 B: 80)

Preprocessor Statements: #FF0000 (Hex: #FF0000 | R: 255 G: 0 B: 0)

URLs: #CCFF66 (Hex: #CCFF66 | R: 204 G: 255 B: 102)

Attributes: #92C49D (Hex: #92C49D | R: 146 G: 196 B: 157)

Project Class Names: #AC5CFF (Hex: #AC5CFF | R: 172 G: 92 B: 255)

Project Functions and Method Names: #03BB6D (Hex: #03BB6D | R: 3 G: 187 B: 109)

Project Constants: #FF63B1 (Hex: #FF63B1 | R: 255 G: 99 B: 177)

Project Type Names: #E47C48 (Hex: #E47C48 | R: 255 G: 99 B: 177)

Project Instance Variables and Globals: #1782FF (Hex: #1782FF | R: 23 G: 130 B: 255)

Project Preprocessor Macros: #FF0000 (Hex: #FF0000 | R: 255 G: 0 B: 0)

Other Class Names: #AC5CFF (Hex: #AC5CFF | R: 172 G: 92 B: 255)

Other Function and Method Names: #88D255 (Hex: #88D255 | R: 136 G: 210 B: 85)

Other Constants: #FF63B1 (Hex: #FF63B1 | R: 255 G: 99 B: 177)

Other Type Names: #E47C48 (Hex: #E47C48 | R: 228 G: 124 B: 72)

Other Instance Variables and Globals: #66CCFF (Hex: #66CCFF | R: 201 G: 204 B: 255)

Other Preprocessor Macros: #FF0000 (Hex: #FF0000 | R: 255 G: 0 B: 0)


Font: SF Mono Regular - 10.0

Debugger Console Prompt: #FFF544 (Hex: #FFF544 | R: 255 G: 245 B: 68)

Debugger Console Input: #4DD94E (Hex: #4DD94E | R: 77 G: 217 B: 78)

Debugger Console Output: #FF5B5D (Hex: #FF5B5D | R: 255 G: 91 B: 93)

Executable Console Input: #FF5BF6 (Hex: #FF5BF6 | R: 255 G: 91 B: 246)

Executable Console Output: #54D7FF (Hex: #54D7FF | R: 81 G: 215 B: 255)


Background: #000000 (Hex: #000000 | R: 0 G: 0 B: 0)

Current Line: #000000 (Hex: #000000 | R: 0 G: 0 B: 0)

Selection: #0A4300 (Hex: #0A4300 | R: 10 G: 67 B: 0)

Cursor: #FFFF66 (Hex: #FFFF66 | R: 255 G: 255 B: 102)

Invisibles: #7F7F7F (Hex: #7F7F7F | R: 127 G: 127 B: 127)

📍Made in PDX