
Watch a list of sites and get emails when they change

Primary LanguagePython

SiteWatcher is a simple program that takes a list of websites (stored in sites.txt)
and monitors each site for changes. If a change occurs on a monitored site,
SiteWatcher will email the configured address with the site that has changed.

Python 3.6.x
A valid gmail address
A valid App password for the gmail address above (for SiteWatcher to use to send email)

Configuration and Running

1. Copy the SiteWatcher folder and all of its contents to a permanent location
2. Install Python 3.6.x
3. Create an app password for your gmail account (https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en)
4. Enter the app password and email in the place-holders in settings.py
5. Run the program by entering:
    python sitewatcher.py <filepath to your list of sites>

1. There is an example sites.txt file to use as a reference.
2. The file sitewatcher.db stores the sites, hashes, and last checked timestamp
3. There should be no third-party requirements for this program (no need to install anything other than Python)