
A game in C/SDL

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A puzzle game in C using SDL

Quick Start

For 64-bit linux, a gzipped tarball with precompiled binary and required assets is provided for convenience in coinage/releases

For linux, you'll need packages for sdl1.2, sdl mixer, sdl ttf and sdl image. These are described in the dependencies section below.

I hope to at least add a precompiled build for Mac eventually.


This game is mostly code complete, but needs a game menu. It mostly exists for my own learning but is a functional (and fun) game nonetheless.

This was developed on Ubuntu, but should work on pretty much any 64-bit linux. Follow the build instructions below if the provided tarball doesn't work for some reason. Almost might just need to install SDL1.2.

Development Notes

Some of this code is a bit of a mess. It isn't that bad, but it's one of the largest programs I've tried to make from scratch in C. I definitely hit upon the wrong architecture in a couple of places and just haven't addressed it because the time needed isn't worth the effort.

Perhaps more importantly, the game assets are still a bit of "programmer graphics".

Any help is greatly appreciated, but I expect this project to just be a bit of a fun little hack for a while. I'm using it to get some practice at C, learn SDL, and possibly learn more about how to port my games to other platforms.

Really if/when the graphics are cleaned up, the game mostly just needs more levels!

The maps are easy and fun to make. Just open /data/maps/floor*.dat. Read floor.c to see what everything corresponds to.


The following are what I believe to be the required packages on Ubuntu 12.04

libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl1.2-dev

The general idea is: sdl1.2, sdl-image, sdl-mixer, and sdl-ttf.

I do hope to upgrade to SDL2 at some point. I might be able to provide a static build as well, so these packages aren't necessary anymore.


To build the project, just:

git clone git@github.com:calebsmith/coinage.git
cd coinage

To create a gzipped tarball, a "create_build.sh" script is provided.


Caleb Smith