Razzytails is a game meant to be playable on the Raspberry Pi. You are Razzy and you have to collect all of the items needed to get your Raspberry Pi working. Sounds simple, but wait! Honey Badgers are dead set on preventing you from getting your Raspberry Pi working. Avoid them at all costs! If a Honey Badger catches you, then you still have one more chance. Just answer a question about Python Programming and you can shake the Honey Badger off your trail and continue your quest.
Razzytails is built on top of pygame.
Installing pygame is not easy. Follow Julia Elman's excellent guide.
First, install pygame using your OS's tools (apt-get, yum, etc.).
sudo apt-get install python-pygame
N.B. Pygame comes with the raspbian distribution so you likely already have it for Raspberry Pi
Next, download the code
git clone https://github.com/calebsmith/razzytails.git
Run the game
cd razzytails ./main.sh
or cd razzytails/src python main.py
Go help Razzy build your Raspberry Pi!!