Black Swan Docs header

Welcome to the repository. Our website is used as a portfolio to showcase recruiters as well as introduce customers to what Black Swan is and what we create.

Repository Management


The GitHub repository uses Issues and Issue Templates. Contributers can use Issues to submit feature requests (enhancement) , bug reports (bug), or repository edit requests (repository).


Branch Type Details
main production This is the code currently on our website.
dev development This is code that is awaiting testing. Typically, already under a Pull Request.
dev-X feature development Where X is equal an Issue number, these are branches that tackle a specific Issue.

Pull Requests

In this repository, we use GitHub Pull Requests to have Joseph (our founder) test the changes that were committed into the dev branch. Once these changes are fully approved by Joseph, he merges the branch into main, which automatically deploys it to the website.

What We Use

The website is built using:

Setup the Development Environment

To set up the development environment, get your favorite terminal and follow these instructions:

# Clone the repository
git clone

# install dependencies
npm i

# begin development environment
npm run dev

After that, you're ready to go!

Extra instructions for Black Swan employees

If you have a email address, please make sure to use that for your commits. Run these extra commands on your terminal:

git config --global "firstName lastName"
git config --global

Now you're ready to go! Make sure to read up on how to write commit messages.

Need Help?

If you need help, please contact and Joseph will try to get back to you soon. Thanks!