- This repository mainly used in 4 places: HELIOS-DAQ, HELIOS-MAC, HELIOS-DB, and LCRC(/lcrc/project/HELIOS)
- In HELIOS-DAQ, MAC, and DB, things are the same, can switch to other branches.
- In LCRC, PLEASE only use the master branch at /lcrc/project/HELIOS/digios/ -- To analysis different experiment, edit digios/expName.sh, and use MakeDataLinks.
- After clone the repository, edit .bashrc, add: -- source ~/path_to_repository/heliosrc.sh
- master : should be the latest branch with latest code
- ISS631 : the analysis code on 2018-Oct.
- h072_16N : the analysis code for (d,3He)
- h073_82Kr : the analysis code for 82Kr(d,p), 82Se(d,p)
- 4SideArray : the branch for the 4-side array, the main diff is the edm panels
- Latest verison update at the middle of h074_238U
- Clean up the GEBSort directory -- GEBSort simplified to EventBuilder -- no more TS.list and map.dat output
- Clean up daq/edm/scripts -- put the not-used scripts into obsolete
- Clean up daq/edm/screens -- put the not-used scripts into obsolete
- New fitting method using mouse click -- clickFitNGaussPol -- clickFitNGaussPolSub
- add heliosrc.sh -- user need to add "source path_to_repository/heliosrc.sh" in ~/.bashrc
- add working/Simulation_Helper.C -- GUI interface for Ptlomey and Kinematic simulation
- add working/generatHistogram.C -- a code to simulated any histogram, can be use for resolution estimation
- add HVMonitor.py -- for reading and control Iseg HV module and put to database
- add HELIOSMain_4sidesArray.edl -- this edl also modiflied alot
- add HELIOSArraySettings_4sidesArray.edl
- Remove Simulation -- all programs are adapted in Cleopatra
- move process_XXXX to Armory -- in heliosrc.sh, the Armory will be in PATH, can call Process_RUN from anywhere, but should be called in working/
- added ptolemy_mac -- please read install_ptolemy_mac.txt for installation
- many tiny bugs fix.
- Latest version update from H075_20Ne.
- with auto-analysis that can push Monitors.C canvas to web server.
- H075_20Ne use 4-side array, can update edm panels.
- the auto-elog contains more informations.
- with Slack
- with Grafana
- many bugs fix and improvements
- various new tools in Armory, e.g. Check_Simulation, Check_rdtGate, Cali_hamma
- renew the alpha-calibration code, so that it will find the most possible peaks to fit (AnalysisLibrary.h)
- with slurm for LCRC parllel computing
- better trace analysis
- GEBSort and GEBSort_trace, so that no need to change the bin_rcnp.c
- more Woods-Saxon tools
- separated process_run into many sub-process. so that the code is more managible, and can run sub-process separately.
- Cleopatra include potentials for A=3 and alpha
- improved the edm panels for indivial VME, can change threshold directly.
- added AutoStartSop
- added read vacuum gauage
- Set VME Trigger by bash command
- added globus_in.py and globus_out.py using globus cli.
- the code was updated and improved base on h064_15N (d,p) run 013.
- the physical dimension of the new array is not known, assume old array.
- the code is tested with alpha source run, with or without trace is OK.
- AutoCalibration should be OK.
- Simluation becomes obsolete.
- reorginize of the strcuture of directory
- made the daq for new 6-side array
- made the expName be solely depend on expName.sh
- tested on Mac and DAQ, GeneralSort/Trace.C is working well
- need more test on AutoCalibration
- Move Cleopatra into analysis.
- Make a new Transfer.C/h for simulation included Ptolmey Xsec distribution.
Basic Structure:
- oragnize the files, put all experimentals independent files in Armory.
- added ryan's code for stardard analysis method.
- This is a user interface for Ptolemy.
All things digital data for HELIOS, ISS, etc. Including both daq and analysis software
- Cp from svn repo