
Pebble app to control Ecobee thermostats

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hive is an application to control your ecobee thermostat from pebble smartwatch!

The application has been released in February 2016. Application allows you to control temperature settings, see thermostat sensor values as well as change your thermostat between "Home" and "Away" modes.

Supported smartwatches:

How to use the app:

  1. Get the application from Pebble App Market
  2. At the first run, the application display a 4-character code to link your smartwatch to your ecobee account. Write down the code, go to ecobee.com website. Log into your ecobee account and navigate to "My Apps" section. Click "Add Application" button and enter the code. Click "Validate" and then "Add App".
  3. Get back to your smartwatches and click right middle button. Pebble will check if linking has been successful.
  4. Main screen shows identical screen to your ecobee thermostat.
  5. Click "Up" button to increase temperature.
  6. Click "Down" button to lower temperature.
  7. Click "Right middle" button to get to a menu.

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