Supplementary code for Hendrickson et al., "Simultaneous profiling of DNA accessibility and gene expression dynamics with ATAC-seq and RNA-seq"
This is the code for reproducing the bioinformatic analyses of the yeast ATACseq data (section 3.3). We assume that the library was demultiplexed and aligned to the genome as described in sections 3.3.1-3.3.2. Analysis of RNAseq data is described in detail elsewhere.
The processing is done by running
as described below. The input is the aligned unsorted BAM file and the output is the bigWig track of normalized insertion densities, python pickle
file that contains the insertion coverage for every nucleotide in the genome and tab separated file containing the coverage of insertions in 200 bp bins spanning -1000..1000 bases around the transcription start sites.
- python2.7
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- pysam (>= 0.18)
- UCSC command line bioinformatic utils (a.k.a. kentUtils)
mkdir atacseq_analysis
git clone atacseq_analysis
cd atacseq_analysis
tar xvfz data.tar.gz
usage: [-h]
[--whitelist WHITELIST | --blacklist BLACKLIST]
input_file output_dir chrlens_file
Example of ATACseq processing
positional arguments:
input_file Unsorted BAM file
output_dir Destination directory
chrlens_file Chromosome length file
annotation_file Annotation file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--whitelist WHITELIST
Name of whitelist file
--blacklist BLACKLIST
Name of blacklist file
- input_file - unsorted BAM file with aligned reads
- output_dir - directory to write the output (will be created if missing)
- chrlens_file - TSV of format: chromosome length
- annotation_file - BED or GTF file with a single interval per gene.
- whitelist - if given, the insertion coverage will be normalized so that the total number of insertions in the whitelist is the same between samples.
- blacklist - if given, the insertion coverage will be normalized so that the total number of insertions in the genome outside the blacklist is constant between samples.
Both whitelist and blacklist are TSV files with lines of the format chromosome start end
, where the intervals 1-based
and closed. Alternatively, also lines with only the chromosome name are also permitted.
cd atacseq_analysis
python data/GCN4_t0_S1_L001_R1_001.mrg.bam processed_data \
data/SacCer3.fasta.len data/annotation.bed \
--blacklist data/blacklist.tsv