
Ruby Library for REX11 Warehouse Management System

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Ruby Library for REX11 Warehouse Management System


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rex11'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rex11


Initialize Rex11 client:

require "rex11"
client = Rex11::Client.new("rex_username", "rex_password", "rex_web_address")

Create style master:

item = {
    :style => "ABC123",
    :upc => "ABC123",
    :size => "LARGE",
    :price => "100.0",
    :color => "Black",
    :description => "Chanel Red Skirt"


Create pick ticket for items:

items = [
    {:style => "ABC123",
     :upc => "ABC123",
     :size => "LARGE",
     :color => "Black",
     :description => "Chanel Red Skirt",
     :quantity => "1",
     :comments => "These are the comments.",
     :shipment_type => "GOH"
    {:style => "DEF123",
     :upc => "DEF123",
     :size => "SMALL",
     :color => "Blue",
     :description => "Balenciaga Purple Blouse",
     :quantity => "1",
     :comments => "Slightly damaged",
     :shipment_type => "FLAT"

ship_to_address = {:first_name => "Joe",
                    :last_name => "Shmoe",
                    :company_name => "Time Magazine",
                    :address1 => "1271 Avenue of the Americas",
                    :city => "New York",
                    :state => "NY",
                    :zip => "10020",
                    :country => "US",
                    :phone => "212-522-1212",
                    :email => "time@magazine.com"

pick_ticket_id = "23022012012557"
pick_ticket_options = {
    :pick_ticket_id => pick_ticket_id,
    :warehouse => "The Warehouse",
    :payment_terms => "NET",
    :use_ups_account => "1",
    :ship_via_account_number => "1AB345",
    :ship_via => "UPS",
    :ship_service => "UPS GROUND - Commercial",
    :billing_option => "PREPAID",
    :bill_to_address => {
        :first_name => "Jane",
        :last_name => "Smith",
        :company_name => "Netaporter",
        :address1 => "725 Darlington Avenue",
        :city => "Mahwah",
        :state => "NJ",
        :zip => "07430",
        :country => "US",
        :phone => "212-522-1212",
        :email => "net@netaporter.com"

client.create_pick_ticket(items, ship_to_address, pick_ticket_options)


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request