
Script Error: Template reference cannot use templates (Decor_sealed_storage) when trying to build a Doom 2 mapset.

BoneofMalkav opened this issue · 7 comments

Trying to build a Doom 2 mapset with this recent dev build of ObAddon (From 5 hours ago, 1/24/2021) and keeps generating that error. With the settings I have set in the attached log file I'm not sure what I should disable for the time being.


Can't seem to replicate your issue - generation proceeds just fine and the specific item being pointed out by your log file doesn't seem to have any problem. Just in case, are you using a fresh installation of Oblige without any original files having been overwritten?

The log file also suggests you were using an outdated CONFIG - I doubt this could have been related, but re-saving your CONFIG file should at least remove this warning from the log.

Version 7.70 oblige (with Oblige64 executable) if that's what your asking but previous versions of ObAddon (Both Beta and full releases) rarely had an issue before. I would say I probably assembled the ObAddonBeta pk3 incorrectly but that can't be cause I followed the instructions of the to the letter for the manual build setup. (Adding the contents of the scr folder from the repo to a folder then brought those folders into the zip then renamed to pk3)

Just in case, are you using a fresh installation of Oblige without any original files having been overwritten?

For clarification, you are supposed to zip the contents of the /src/ folder as-is, rather than placing it into another folder and zipping that folder if I'm reading this correctly. The immediate top level contents of your pk3 archive should be the data, games, modules, and scripts folders.

That is how I'm doing it. the pk3 is only data, games, modules,and scripts folders.

Unfortunately, I still can't tell what's going on with your copy - one last resort is to run 'unpacked' by unzipping the contents of the src folder directly into your Oblige directory and overwriting all existing files. I recommend doing this on a fresh download of Oblige. The issue your log file ends with pertains to something that's simply not there and I've triple-checked this part.

A complete reinstall of Oblige solved it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

No problem. Enjoy your levels! I'll close this issue for now.