Test task application for TUI project

This project exposes REST API which can return results from Github API user repositories and branches.

How to build and run

Project can be compiled with JDK 19 and above javac.

To compile just do mvn clean package.

Spring Boot Version : 3.0.2 Java Version : 19 Maven Version : 3.8.6


  • JAVA 11 should be installed
  • Maven should be installed

Note : Here, we are using one of the free GitHub API listed in Github

To run the application locally execute the below command :

java -jar target/tui-tech-task*.jar

The server will start at http://localhost:8080.

Exploring the Rest APIs

The application contains the following REST API

1. GET /users/{username}/repositories - Get the repositories along with branches for a given user
curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8080/users/testuser/repositories' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Deployed project can be found by this url: Project url

aws-cloudformation-template.yaml was used to deploy this project to AWS. aws-cloudformation-api-gateway-template.yaml was used to create AWS Gateway API for this project.