
BacenSimulator is a docker image to simulate bacen, a official brazilian payment infrastructure


BacenSimulator is a docker image to simulate bacen, a official brazilian payment infrastructure


It aims to be a complete docker simulation system based on the following documents:


To be defined(should be something easy)

The commnuication itself

All messages exchanged in the system follow the standards established in the documentation, therefore, XML (extensible markup language) will be used in the body of the messages.

An example message is shown in the Catalogo de servicos do SFN volume 3, page 11:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DOC xmlns=”http://www.bcb.gov.br/XXX/YYYYYYY.xsd”>
 . . . control
 . . . system
 . . . user

Another example of a message is present in the same manual, on page 14:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<DOC xmlns=”http://www.bcb.gov.br/GEN/GEN0001.xsd”>
 <MsgECO>text with max of 50 characters</MsgECO>
 . . . free area


Let's follow the following commit format, to adopt a standard message:

  • action(location): description

  • Ex:

    • feat(docs): improving description
    • fix(bug01): improving description
    • chore(docs): improving description