
  • Login / Signup / Logout
  • Balance
  • Entry debit and credit


MyWallet Model Outline


  • Attributes
    • Name
    • Email
    • Password


  • Attributes
    • User id
    • Token


  • Attributes
    • User id
    • Entry's value
    • Entry's description
    • Entry's date

Getting Started

This project was designed with node.js and express. To run this project in your personal computer, make sure to run npm i first. And, if you want to make a better management of scripts, I advise you to run npm i ntl, since it gives you the control to choose witch script to run withou the need to decorate each of them.


Please notice that there are available SQL scripts for postgresSQL. But you will also need to add the following datestyle:

ALTER DATABASE "my_database_name" SET datestyle TO "ISO, DMY";

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the production environment.

npm start:dev

Runs the app in the development environment.

npm start:test

Runs the app in the test environment. This was created just for testing proposes.

npm test

Runs the app in the test mode with jest.

**You will also see any lint errors in the console.


  • Calil Silva