
Java XLS to PDF by template conversion app.

Primary LanguageJava


Generates PDF files with data extracted from EXCEL columnns, using a PDF template, by given rules from a .JSON file.

JSON Rule types:

• fill - fills out a named form field in the PDF with a string value.

• check - adds a check mark to a named form field on the PDF.

• fillFromExcel - fills out a named form field in the PDF using the value found in the named Excel column.

• checkFromExcel - adds a check mark to a named checkbox on the PDF using the value found in the named Excel column (the value found in Excel must be ‘true’, ’yes’ or 1 in order to check the checkbox).

• conditionalFillFromExcel - fills out a named form field in the PDF IF a condition is true. For simplicity we will limit the predicates used for the condition to ‘equals’ and ‘contains’. Equals is a literal equality test, contains looks for a substring.

• conditionalCheckFromExcel - adds a check mark to a named form field IF a condition is true.

Example rules:

{ "action" : "fill", "fieldName" : "textFirstName", "value" : "Calin" }

{ "action" : "check", "fieldName" : "isCool" }

{ "action" : "fillFromExcel", "colName" : "firstName", "fieldName" : "textFirstName" }

{ "action" : "checkFromExcel", "colName" : "sms", "fieldName" : "isSms" }

{ "action" : "conditionalFillFromExcel", "colName" : "myColumnName", "predicate" : "contains", "testVal" : "groovy", "value" : "We are groovy!", "fieldName" : "theGroovyField" }

{ "action" : "conditionalCheckFromExcel", "colName" : "myColumnName", "predicate" : "equals", "testVal" : "groovy", "fieldName" : "isGroovy" }


java XlsPdfGenerator xlsPath pdfTempalatePath jsonRules outputFolderPath