
Visual Basic Macro Placeholder:

Sub Links()

    Dim userInput As String
    Dim inputParts() As String
    Dim addressParts() As String
    Dim hyperlinkAddress As String
    Dim hyperlinkSubDestination As String
    Dim hyperlinkScreenTip As String
    userInput = InputBox("Enter the hyperlink address, and destination link (if any), separated with ';' :      Example: <my_file.pdf>;<my_destination_123>")
    inputParts = Split(userInput, ";")
    ' Check for number of valid tokens
    If UBound(inputParts) >= 0 Then
        hyperlinkAddress = Trim(inputParts(0))
        ' Create ScreenTip with just end destination file name
        ' addressParts = Split(hyperlinkAddress, "\")
        ' hyperlinkScreenTip = addressParts(UBound(addressParts))
        hyperlinkScreenTip = hyperlinkAddress
        ' Assign destination or bookmark reference
        If UBound(inputParts) >= 1 Then
            hyperlinkSubDestination = Trim(inputParts(1))
            hyperlinkSubDestination = ""
        End If

        ' Check for Selection in ActiveDocument
        If Not Selection Is Nothing Then
            ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection.Range, Address:=hyperlinkAddress, SubAddress:=hyperlinkSubDestination, ScreenTip:=hyperlinkScreenTip
            MsgBox "Please select a range of text in the active document.", vbExclamation
        End If
        MsgBox "Please provide all required information (hyperlink address and optional page number).", vbExclamation
    End If
End Sub

How to use Macro:

Shortcut: Shift+Alt+M

  • Runs Links Macro
  • Need to Highlight text manually or use Find function to highlight section

You can create a hyperlink using one of the below formats:

< File > hyperlinks-in-briefs-bookmarks-cross-references.pdf

< File >;< Destination | Bookmark > Reply-hyperlink to How to-macro.docx;TestDestination


  • A File can be the document you are currently focused on or another document as long as you specify the path to it.
  • By default if you are in the same folder you include the file name.

If you need to reference a file then you need to specify a path relative to your location:

  1. Right Click File
  2. Copy as path


"C:\Users\TRettinghouse\Desktop\Resources\Practice to Hyperlink Brief\Sample folder for testing\2023-12-22 DRAFT FR4 Petitioners Reply -w hyperlink box checked for TOC and first case linked.docx"

  1. Trim relative to file containing the hyperlink

(Relative to Reply-hyperlink to How to-macro.docx)

Sample folder for testing\2023-12-22 DRAFT FR4 Petitioners Reply -first case linked to 2 pages test.pdf