
Encode (structured and unstructured) data via bytes

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go Bytes Go

A simple encoding lib to print/parse structured and unstructured data over a non self-describing bytestream.

This lib will use the included reflection in the Go programming language to automatically encode/decode the given data.


import (
	gobytesgo "go-bytes-go/src"

type Gender uint8

const (
	Female Gender = iota

type Person struct {
	Name   string
	Age    uint8
	Gender Gender

type Hotel struct {
	Manager Person
	Guests  []Person

func main() {
	// Create the Encoder and select Big Endian
	e := gobytesgo.NewEncoder()

	// Prepare the structure which needs to be encoded
	hotel := Hotel{}

	alex := Person{Name: "Alex", Age: 32, Gender: Female}
	thomas := Person{Name: "Thomas", Age: 40, Gender: Male}
	dan := Person{Name: "Dan", Age: 18, Gender: Male}

	hotel.Manager = alex
	hotel.Guests = append(hotel.Guests, thomas)
	hotel.Guests = append(hotel.Guests, dan)

	err, stream := e.Encode(hotel)
	if err != nil {

	for _, b := range stream {
		fmt.Printf("%8b ", b)

	fmt.Printf("Stream of bytes length: %d\n", len(stream))


Data Type mapping

This table is also reflecting the supported datatypes.

Go Data Type Amount of Bytes
bool 1
u/int8 1
u/int16 2
u/int32 4
u/int64 6
u/int 4 (assuming int32)
float32 4
float64 8
array 4 + len * dataType
slice 4 + len * dataType
string 4 + len * dataType
struct 0 (*)

(*) Using this encoding lib, it is assumed that the Encoder/Decoder knows the underlying structure.


  • Maximum length of arrays and strings are limited by the MAX(uint32) number


  • Encoder
  • Decoder
  • Documentation
  • Examples