
Cookiecutter-Fountain - is a cookiecutter template for starting a Fountain formatted screenplay!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



A Fountain screenplay cookiecutter template!

This is a cookiecutter template, that helps you to quickly set up a new Fountain screenplay project, so that you can get straight to writing.

Cookiecutter documentation.


  • Very simple, configurable setup of a fully functional project.
  • Automatically performs a Git repository setup.
  • Based on an established tool: Cookiecutter has >17k stars on Github!
  • Using wrap has the option to export your work as a stageplay formatted script.


In order to use cookiecutter-fountain template for your next Fountain screenplay, you need the following software installed:

Using Cookiecutter-Fountain - a cookiecutter template for Fountain screenplays

Simply run the cookiecutter command line interface:

cookiecutter gh:calligraffiti/cookiecutter-fountain

This will start an interactive prompt that will configure and generate your screenplay project. One of the prompts will ask you for a remote repository URL, so you should head to the Git hosting service of your choice and add a new empty repository e.g. on Github.

Git Repository

Cookiecutter automatically initializes, adds and commits, your local files to Git with the commit message 'initial commit'. You're ready to begin editing your project_name.fountain file and start using git right away!

If you're new to Git consider searching getting started with git, or visit W3 Schools 'Git Getting Started.'

Note: .PDF files are not tracked by Git in this repo. Tracking PDF files just adds unnecessary bloat to your project repository, and really it's just a render. It's the .fountain file that matters most.


This cookiecutter accepts the following configuration options:

  • project_title: The human-readable name of your screenplay, defaults to Screenplay Title
  • remote_url: The remote URL for the newly created repository. This is not only used to add it as a remote to the Git repository, but also to enable integration with some services. Defaults to None although we strongly advise you to specify it.
  • project_slug: This will be the name of the generated directory. By default, it is deduced from the specified remote URL and the given project name.
  • full_name: Author's name, defaults to Your Name.
  • prod_company: Production company name, defaults to None.
  • email: Author's email, defaults to Your Email.
  • prod_addr1: Contact address 1, author, or production companies street address. Example: 321 John St., Ste. 7"
  • prod_addr2: Contact address 2, author, or production companies city and state. Example: City, State & Zip: example: Nyak, NY 10960
  • year: Year written, defaults to current year.
  • date: Formatted date, defaults to current date.
  • license: Adds a license file to the repository. It can be chosen from Proprietary, A full copyright, a CC_BY-NC-ND_4.0 - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, or a CC_BY-SA_4.0 - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It can also be left to None, the (default), which will produce a simple copyright statement.

If you are using cookiecutter-fountain a lot, you can customize your default values by providing a .cookiecutterrc file in your home directory, for more details see the cookiecutter documentation.

Script Writers Font

We recommend installing Curier Prime, an open SIL licensed typeface, designed by Alan Dague-Greene, specifically for screenplays. This is the default font Wrap looks for when rendering your script.

Included Templates

There are a few simple templates we use when writing that are included within the untracked folder. Just copy them into your project directory if you wish to use them. A simple taskell.md outline template file and sample are included there as well.

Taskell is a simple to use command line Kanban app.

Rendering Your Script

We recommend using Wraparound to render your Fountain files to PDF or HTML. It really is the best we have tested for creating professionally formatted screenplays. It does not currently render out to FinalDraft, .FDX file format. FinalDraft does now support the import of .fountain files, but if you do need to export a Fountain screenplay to .FDX because the format is required by production, we recommend using a tool like scripttool or AfterWriting.

To render your screenplay using Wrap just use wrap | the format you wish pdf or html | and the file name proj_name.fountain or proj_name.wrap. E.g.:

wrap pdf proj_name.fountain

The above command will out-put your PDF file into the same directory. If you wish to output do a different directory, or give it another name just use the --out flag. E.g.:

wrap pdf proj_name.fountain --out proj_name-v2.pdf

To export your your work as a stageplay formatted script, simply uncomment Type: stageplay. The default for wrap is screenplay. Source: and Notes: are also commented out. Just remove the double forward slashes // to use them on your title page.

File Structure

├── LICENSE.md                          // License info for your project
├── README.md                           // README for your repository
├── TODO.md                             // Infor on next steps for your repository
├── untracked_files                     // A folder for files you do not wish tracked by Git
│   ├── README.md                       // How to use this directory
│   ├── notes                           // A dir for notes and research, not tracked by Git
│   └── templates
│       ├── character_profile_main.md   // A character profile template for a main character
│       ├── character_profile_xtra.md   // A character profile template for a lesser character
│       ├── copyright_checklist.md      // A refererence for manuscript submission to copyright office
│       ├── setting_template.md         // A scene setting profile template
│       ├── taskell.md                  // Taskell kanban screenplay outline template
│       └── taskell_sample.md           // Sample Taskell kanban outline
└── proj_name.fountain                  // Your screenplay


Please do help improve this cookiecutter! Submit pull requests to this repository, or if you notice any bugs, please report them using the Github issue tracker


Special thanks to Dominic Kempf for making the meta-cookiecutter template that got this here fountain.cookiecutter started at full steam.