Simple Python wrapper for Oanda (
Create neccessary files.
# navigate to Poandy directory cd poandy # create a file called "secrets.json". It should contain your oanda api key. E.g. { "token": "7851c27f3bb2bc0f39g3c6d6a3c6b42509e-4015643c1a6ca4651b0c6bd836bc8b8" }
Setup virtual environment, activate and install neccessary dependencies. For Windows and Linux, the requirements files are at
respectively.# Open Anaconda Prompt as Administrator, create virtual environment and install dependencies. conda create -n poandy python=3.8.5 conda install -n poandy -y requests pandas black pytest # activate virtual environment (activation required everytime before working on repo) conda activate poandy # when done conda deactivate
(IMPORTANT FOR DEV) You need to create a secret for CI to work.
- In your fork, go to settings -> Secrets -> New secret
- Go to, upload your secrets.json, convert into Base64, then use it as the value for "SECRETS_BASE64_FILE"
Setup virtual environment, activate and install neccessary dependencies. For Windows and Linux, the requirements files are at
respectively.# Open Anaconda Prompt as Administrator, create virtual environment and install dependencies. conda create -n poandy python=3.8.5 --file <REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME> # activate virtual environment (activation required everytime before working on repo) conda activate poandy # when done conda deactivate
[For development only] If you install other packages, please add them to the requirements files.
# navigate to Poandy directory and activate poandy venv first. # To update requirements.txt conda list -e > <REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME> # To update environment.yml (optional) conda env export > environment.yml
Use flake8 without line length limit. If using vscode, include the following in settings.json.
Black is the default code formatter. To format all files in the directory, run the following command on the command prompt.
cd poandy
black .
Black is the default code formatter. To format all files in the directory, run the following command on the command prompt.
cd poandy
black .
If using vscode, include the following settings in your settings.json file.
"python.formatting.provider": "black",
"editor.formatOnSave" : true,
"editor.defaultFormatter": null
Vscode should now automatically format your code based on Black style guide whenever you hit save.