
Text wrapping for type animations.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Text wrapping for type animations.


$ npm install text-split --save


To address some prior art:

  • Lettering.js - dependent on jQuery
  • charming
    • less straightforward (child nodes are recursed through for text content)
    • less flexible (mandatory class and aria attributes are added, no per piece callback)

With only 1 method and 4 options, text-split offers the most control via the smallest API surface area.

Getting Started

import splitter from 'text-split'

// a target node is required
const target = document.querySelector('.heading')

// pass in the target node
// get back the newly created nodes wrapping the target text (in an array)
const created = splitter(target)

Read more about options below to handle more complex use cases.


All options have defaults, as shown here:

const defaults = {
  a11y = true,
  delimeter = 'letter',
  each = null,
  element = 'span'

Each option is explained in further detail below:


Enable (default) or disable setting of aria attributes on parent and created child nodes.

splitter(target, { a11y: false })


Either letter (default) or word, indicating how to break up the target text before wrapping it.

splitter(target, { delimeter: 'word' })


A function that, if it exists, is called and passed:

  • the created node, with appropriate textContent
  • the 0-based node index (relative to the other created nodes)
  • the DocumentFragment that stores the nodes created (thus far)

This is the fun part escape hatch.

splitter(target, {
  each: (node, index, frag) => {
    // add a class based on the index

    // add a transition delay based on the index
    node.style.transitionDelay = `${index * .05}s`


A tag name that is used to create the wrapper element for each piece of the text after it is split using the delimeter.

const divs = splitter(target, { element: 'div' })


MIT. © 2018 Michael Cavalea