
Boilerplate of a Flask Web App ready to be deployed on Railway.app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The files you need in your app configuration to deploy it to Railway

Watch the full video tutorial: How to Deploy a Flask App to Railway





This is where you’ll declare the files you don’t want to commit to your GitHub repo (e.g. .env file). Remember that you'll need a .env local file to store your environment variables for local testing.

Procfile (to start the deployment)

web: gunicorn **main**:app

generate requirements.txt

This will list all the packages you’ll need to install on your server.

pip install pipreqs

pipreqs .
pipreqs . --force to regenerate the requirements.txt file
pipreqs . --ignore .venv to ignore a specific directory

Make sure you’re using those packages (sometimes pipreqs can suggest the wrong ones)


MySQL DB Connection logic. Quick boilerplate to get you started.

from flask import **g**
import mysql.connector
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os

# get sql pw from .env
db_password = os.environ.get('MYSQLPASSWORD')

# MySQL configuration
DATABASE_URL = f"mysql -hroundhouse.proxy.rlwy.net -uroot -p{db_password} --port 50259 --protocol=TCP railway"

            'user': 'root',
            'password': os.environ.get('MYSQLPASSWORD'),
            'host': 'roundhouse.proxy.rlwy.net',
            'port': '50259',
            'database': 'railway'

def get_db():
    if hasattr(g, 'db_conn') and g.db_conn.is_connected():
        return g.db_conn
        g.db_conn = mysql.connector.connect(**DATABASE_CONFIG)
        return g.db_conn

def close_db_connection(exception):
    db = getattr(g, 'db_conn', None)
    if db is not None: