
Crash when supplying `--commit` argument

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  • bump-my-version version: 0.17.0
  • Python version: 3.12.1
  • Operating System: Fedora 39, Github CI


Hi all, with bump-my-version 0.17.0 we are getting a crash when trying to automatically the changes. This is a regression from earlier versions which worked fine. See crash log below.

If we remove the --commit argument, bump-my-version runs succesfully.

What I Did

$ bump-my-version bump --new-version 3.0.2 --commit
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/bin/bump-my-version", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/click/", line 1157, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/rich_click/", line 126, in main
    rv = self.invoke(ctx)
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/click/", line 1688, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/click/", line 1434, in invoke
    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/click/", line 783, in invoke
    return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bumpversion/", line 315, in bump
    do_bump(version_part, new_version, config, found_config_file, dry_run)
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bumpversion/", line 104, in do_bump
    commit_and_tag(config, config_file, configured_files, ctx, dry_run)
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bumpversion/", line 134, in commit_and_tag
    config.scm_info.tool.commit_to_scm(list(commit_files), config, ctx, extra_args, dry_run)
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bumpversion/", line 169, in commit_to_scm
  File "/home/stef/python/duqtools/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/bumpversion/", line 68, in commit, env=env, capture_output=True, check=True)  # noqa: S603
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/", line 548, in run
    with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process:
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/", line 1026, in __init__
    self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/", line 1870, in _execute_child
    env_list.append(k + b'=' + os.fsencode(v))
  File "<frozen os>", line 818, in fsencode
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType

@stefsmeets Can you run that same command with the -vvv option?

While I see some places I need better error checking, I'm at a loss on how to reproduce the error.

Sure, here is the output:

Starting BumpVersion 0.17.0                                                  
Reading configuration                                                        
  Reading config file: /home/xxx/python/duqtools/.bumpversion.cfg           


The .cfg file format is deprecated. Please use .toml instead.

  Error when running git describe: fatal: No names found, cannot describe    
  Parsing current version '2.0.0'                                            
    Parsing version '2.0.0' using regexp                                     
      Parsed the following values: major=2, minor=0, patch=0                 
  Attempting to set new version '3.0.4'                                      
    Parsing version '3.0.4' using regexp                                     
      Parsed the following values: major=3, minor=0, patch=4                 
    Values are now: major=3, minor=0, patch=4                                
  Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=3, minor=0, patch=4>'      
    Evaluating serialization formats                                         
      Found '{major}.{minor}.{patch}' to be a usable serialization format    
    Selected serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'                  
    Serialized to '3.0.4'                                                    
  New version will be '3.0.4'                                                
File src/duqtools/ replace `__version__ = '{current_version}'`   
with `__version__ = '{new_version}'`                                         
  Serializing the current version                                            
    Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=2, minor=0, patch=0>'    
      Evaluating serialization formats                                       
        Found '{major}.{minor}.{patch}' to be a usable serialization format  
      Selected serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'                
      Serialized to '2.0.0'                                                  
  Serializing the new version                                                
    Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=3, minor=0, patch=4>'    
      Evaluating serialization formats                                       
        Found '{major}.{minor}.{patch}' to be a usable serialization format  
      Selected serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'                
      Serialized to '3.0.4'                                                  
  Rendering search pattern with context                                      
    No RegEx flag detected. Searching for the default pattern: '__version__\ 
=\ '2\.0\.0''                                                                
  Found '__version__\ =\ '2\.0\.0'' at line 20: __version__ = '2.0.0'        
  Changing file src/duqtools/                                    
    *** before src/duqtools/                                      
    --- after src/duqtools/                                       
    *** 17,23 ****                                                           
      __author__ = 'xxx'                                             
      __email__ = 'xxx'                               
    ! __version__ = '2.0.0'                                                  
      import logging  # noqa                                                 
      import warnings  # noqa                                                
    --- 17,23 ----                                                           
      __author__ = 'xxx'                                             
      __email__ = 'xxx'                               
    ! __version__ = '3.0.4'                                                  
      import logging  # noqa                                                 
      import warnings  # noqa                                                
File pyproject.toml: replace `version = "{current_version}"` with `version = 
  Serializing the current version                                            
    Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=2, minor=0, patch=0>'    
      Evaluating serialization formats                                       
        Found '{major}.{minor}.{patch}' to be a usable serialization format  
      Selected serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'                
      Serialized to '2.0.0'                                                  
  Serializing the new version                                                
    Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=3, minor=0, patch=4>'    
      Evaluating serialization formats                                       
        Found '{major}.{minor}.{patch}' to be a usable serialization format  
      Selected serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'                
      Serialized to '3.0.4'                                                  
  Rendering search pattern with context                                      
    No RegEx flag detected. Searching for the default pattern: 'version\ =\  
  Found 'version\ =\ "2\.0\.0"' at line 8: version = "2.0.0"                 
  Changing file pyproject.toml:                                              
    *** before pyproject.toml                                                
    --- after pyproject.toml                                                 
    *** 5,11 ****                                                            
      name = "duqtools"                                                      
    ! version = "2.0.0"                                                      
      description = "Dynamic uncertainty quantification for Tokamak reactor  
simulations modelling"                                                       
      readme = ""                                                   
      requires-python = ">=3.9"                                              
    --- 5,11 ----                                                            
      name = "duqtools"                                                      
    ! version = "3.0.4"                                                      
      description = "Dynamic uncertainty quantification for Tokamak reactor  
simulations modelling"                                                       
      readme = ""                                                   
      requires-python = ">=3.9"                                              
File CITATION.cff: replace `version: {current_version}` with `version:       
  Serializing the current version                                            
    Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=2, minor=0, patch=0>'    
      Evaluating serialization formats                                       
        Found '{major}.{minor}.{patch}' to be a usable serialization format  
      Selected serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'                
      Serialized to '2.0.0'                                                  
  Serializing the new version                                                
    Serializing version '<bumpversion.Version:major=3, minor=0, patch=4>'    
      Evaluating serialization formats                                       
        Found '{major}.{minor}.{patch}' to be a usable serialization format  
      Selected serialization format '{major}.{minor}.{patch}'                
      Serialized to '3.0.4'                                                  
  Rendering search pattern with context                                      
    No RegEx flag detected. Searching for the default pattern: 'version:\    
  Found 'version:\ 2\.0\.0' at line 36: version: 2.0.0                       
  Changing file CITATION.cff:                                                
    *** before CITATION.cff                                                  
    --- after CITATION.cff                                                   
    *** 33,36 ****                                                           
        - uncertainty-quantification                                         
        - fusion-reactor                                                     
      license: Apache-2.0                                                    
    ! version: 2.0.0                                                         
    --- 33,36 ----                                                           
        - uncertainty-quantification                                         
        - fusion-reactor                                                     
      license: Apache-2.0                                                    
    ! version: 3.0.4                                                         
Writing to config file /home/stef/python/duqtools/.bumpversion.cfg:          
*** before /home/stef/python/duqtools/.bumpversion.cfg                       
--- after /home/stef/python/duqtools/.bumpversion.cfg                        
*** 1,5 ****                                                                 
! current_version = 2.0.0                                                    
  comment = The contents of this file cannot be merged with that of setup.cfg
until is resolved        
--- 1,5 ----                                                                 
! current_version = 3.0.4                                                    
  comment = The contents of this file cannot be merged with that of setup.cfg
until is resolved        
Preparing Git commit                                                         
  Adding changes in file 'src/duqtools/' to Git                   
  Adding changes in file 'CITATION.cff' to Git                               
  Adding changes in file 'pyproject.toml' to Git                             
  Adding changes in file '/home/stef/python/duqtools/.bumpversion.cfg' to Git
  Committing to Git with message 'Bump version: None → 3.0.4'                              

@stefsmeets I think the issue may be with your git installation. Towards the top of the output there is a line:

Error when running git describe: fatal: No names found, cannot describe    

Taking a look there might get you unstuck.

That said, I am going to add in some better error checking and reporting.

Thanks, this feature is not essential for us, so we worked around it for now by programming the git commit manually. If I have time I'll dig into it a bit and get back to you.