A small command line tool to simplify releasing software by updating all version strings in your source code by the correct increment and optionally commit and tag the changes.
- 0x404Beijing Institute of Technology
- anton-belousovSpare Time AI Research
- arzkar@BoldtekIndia
- balrok
- benlindsayC.H. Robinson
- carstencodesdSPACE GmbH (@dspace-group)
- cdboer@DLR-SC
- dshemetovDelphi, Carnegie Mellon University
- FeryETYektanet
- festinuz
- fferegrinoLondon, UK
- henryiiiPrinceton University
- ichrysouSiemens
- JOJ0@joalla @beetbox
- jonatkinsonGiant Digital
- JonZeolla@SeisoLLC
- jorgemorenopMadrid, Spain
- jxyyz
- kristiyan-leapLeap
- maksymbevzaWallchain
- matthieugouelAnnecy
- mfschubertMeta
- migonzalvarVigo, Pontevedra, Spain
- MischaPanchappliedAI
- naltimariIntrospection Software
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- pakelley
- pejmanS21
- prakashpp@fulfilio
- sambonnerForsyth Barr
- simone-gaiarin
- skipperTuxChristoph Roeper -
- sveetchEmencia
- sysid
- uneos-Esperanza
- wolkenarchitektWolkenarchitekt