
ignore_missing_version not honored when set in config file

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  • bump-my-version version: 0.17.4
  • Python version: 3.10.13
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS


I am trying to setup version bumping for one of our projects. The project contains a submodule that we don't want to bump and the submodule's pyproject.toml doesn't list a version.

The ignore-missing-version flag is not getting honored from the config file but does work via command line.

I am also unable to use the excluded_paths argument at all. There isn't really any documentation for using that, how is it meant to be used? I can't get it to work from the command line or from the config file.

What I Did

I have tried applying excluded_paths both in the main config section and in the specific files group in the config file as well as via a CLI argument. The setting is never honored and bumping aborts when reaching the submodule directory.

As an alternative to outright ignoring the submodule's presence, I then tried utilizing the lack of version in the submodule's pyproject.toml file to skip over it that way. The flag is honored when used as a CLI argument but not when set in the config file.

This is the relevant section of my config file

current_version = ""
parse = """(?x)
    )?                                  # smallpatch section is optional
        (?P<pre_l>[a-zA-Z-]+)           # pre-release label
        (?P<pre_n>[1-9]\\d*)            # pre-release version number
    )?                                  # pre-release section is optional
serialize = [
allow_dirty = true
ignore_missing_version = true

values = ["dev", "rc", "final"]
optional_value = "final"

glob = "<location>/*/pyproject.toml"
search = "version = \"{current_version}\""
replace = "version = \"{new_version}\""

when I run this I still get the 'Did not find' error ❯ bump-my-version bump smallpatch --current-version= --config-file=./.bumpversion.toml --dry-run

Usage: bump-my-version bump [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...

Try 'bump-my-version bump -h' for help
╭─ Error ──────────────────────────────────────╮
│ Did not find 'version = ""' in file: 'location/submodule/pyproject.toml' │

but when I run that same command with the CLI flag, it works
❯ bump-my-version bump smallpatch --current-version= --config-file=./.bumpversion.toml --dry-run --ignore-missing-version

The config file hasn't changed between those two tries.
Oddly, if I run bump-my-version show I see the field set correctly 'ignore_missing_version': True, but running without the command line flag always fails.

While I think you have discovered a bug that needs fixing, if you need a work-around until I get it fixed (probably this weekend) I would try specifying the specific files you want changed instead of using a glob.