
Pre-commit integration

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Wyko commented

Feature request

I noticed that in issue #62 there was mention of pre-commit hooks, and it got me thinking: Would you be able to create a hook for pre-commit that automatically bumps version on each commit?

From personal experience, pre-commit (the package) doesn't play nicely with manual pre-commit hooks, so it would be nice if we could integrate everything under their ecosystem. It would definitely help my workflow a lot!

I can't say that I've ever heard of a workflow that increments the version on commit. With the current workload I don't see this becoming a priority unless others are also interested.

Incrementing the version on commit will be too much overkill.

Normally a commit is a simple state change that recorded.But a version is a complete state change in the code, like a feature, a new endpoint or a service etc.