
Allow tag without new commit

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  • bump-my-version version: 0.11.0
  • Python version: 3.10.10
  • Operating System: macOS Ventura


Trying to use bump-my-version just to determine the current_version based on the last git tag, bump it, and create a new tag on the current HEAD. Bump2version did this fine, but it seems like bump-my-version explicitly disallows tagging if you're not also committing.

Not sure what the motivation for this is, plenty of projects add tags after committing especially when versioning through CI/CD.

What I Did

% bump-my-version bump patch --tag
* no output *

bump-my-version's committing and tagging are more related to the fact it is also changing files, its own configuration being one. It is designed to tag the commit it creates, not a different commit.

Can you describe how your workflow works for tracking versions and where you see bump-my-version's role?

Closing due to lack of understanding

Hey @coordt, sorry didn't get around to responding to this for a long time.

We want to track versioning purely using git tags, and have version numbers be bumped automatically in our CI pipeline. That way we can avoid having a version number defined in code, and avoid machine generated commits in our git history.