
:information_source: My dotfiles

Primary LanguagePerl


My dotfiles repository, with magic installation.


  • Git if not already installed

  • hub

  • ZSH

  • Prezto

  • Pure

  • Vim

  • Node.js with nvm, along with some global modules I use

  • irssi with modified weed theme and some awesome scripts

  • Some small miscellaneous stuff

  • Optionally will install PhpStorm and other graphical applications such as Virtualbox and Vagrant

Magic installation

To set stuff up automatically, do this:

git clone git@github.com:callumacrae/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

Might not work on your machine.


irssi should load notifier, queryresume, and vim-mode.


Includes a Vagrantfile for testing. Run vagrant up, and then follow the steps above to test shit.