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A class for an in-memory 'folder' – a place to store buffers with associated file paths. Does not care whether the files actually exist anywhere on disk.

You could just use a plain JavaScript object for the same purpose, but this class adds events and some sugar.


$ npm install virtual-folder


var folder = new Folder();

folder.write('some/file.txt', 'hello'); // returns Change object (see below)'some/file.txt'); // returns Buffer('hello');


.write(file, contents)
  • contents can be a buffer, a string (which will be converted to a buffer), or null (meaning 'delete').
  • If the call results in a change, the folder will emit a 'change' event with a Change object (see below). The .write() call will also return the Change object.
  • If the call results in no change, it returns null.
  • Returns the contents for file, or null if the file doesn't exist.

Change objects


  • file – string
  • type - string (either "add", "modify" or "delete")
  • contents – buffer (or null if this change is a "delete")
  • oldContents – buffer (or null if this change is an "add")

It also has an .inspect() method, so when you console.log a change object, it looks something like this:

<CHANGE modify some/foo.txt (12KB => 13KB)>
