
Unofficial Finnhub API

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


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Unofficial C++ library for the Finnhub Financial Data API

This library provides an easy to use interface for requesting data from the Finnhub API.

The documentation for the official API can be found here: https://finnhub.io/docs/api, and should be used to as a refernce to understand input parameters.

This library depends on two libraries that need to need manually installed:

Libcurl: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/install.html

vcpkg install curl

Jsoncpp: https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp

vcpkg install jsoncpp

Why use this library over the official API:

This library makes it easy to request any piece of data from the Finnhub API in only two lines of code.

  • Step 1: Initialize the API with your Finhubb API token
  • Step 2: Use the in built functions to request tHE data you want
Example 1: Request Apple(AAPL) stock quote
int main()
	Rivendell::FinnHubAPI api = Rivendell::FinnHubAPI("YOUR_API_TOKEN");

	Json::Value* APPLStockQuote = api.StockQuote("AAPL");

	std::cout << APPLStockQuote->toStyledString() << std::endl;
// Reference the Official Finnhub documentation to see feild definitions
  "c": 142.65000000000001,
  "d": 1.1499999999999999,
  "dp": 0.81269999999999998,
  "h": 142.91999999999999,
  "l": 139.11009999999999,
  "o": 141.90000000000001,
  "pc": 141.5,
  "t": 1633118403
Example 2: Request to premium data without premium subscription
int main()
	Rivendell::FinnHubAPI api = Rivendell::FinnHubAPI("YOUR_API_TOKEN");

	Json::Value* APPLFinancialStatements = api.FinancialStatements("AAPL", "bs", "annual");

	std::cout << APPLFinancialStatements->toStyledString() << std::endl;

// Reference the Official Finnhub documentation to see feild definitions
  "error": "You don't have access to this resource."
Function Signatures
//Stock Fundamentals
Json::Value *StockSymbolLookup(std::string query);
Json::Value *StockSymbols(std::string exchange, std::string mic = "", std::string securityType = "", std::string currency = "");
Json::Value *CompanyProfile(std::string symbol = "", std::string isin = "", std::string cusip = "");
Json::Value *CompanyProfile2(std::string symbol = "", std::string isin = "", std::string cusip = "");
Json::Value *CompanyExecutive(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *MarketNews(std::string category, std::string minId = "");
Json::Value *CompanyNews(std::string symbol, std::string from, std::string to);
Json::Value *MajorPressReleases(std::string symbol, std::string from = "", std::string to = "");
Json::Value *NewsSentiment(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *Peers(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *BasicFinancials(std::string symbol, std::string metric);
Json::Value *Ownership(std::string symbol, std::string limit = "");
Json::Value *FundOwnership(std::string symbol, std::string limit = "");
Json::Value *InsiderTransactions(std::string symbol, std::string from = "", std::string to = "");
Json::Value *FinancialStatements(std::string symbol, std::string statement, std::string freq);
Json::Value *FinancialsAsReported(std::string symbol = "", std::string cik = "", std::string accessNumber = "", std::string freq = "");
Json::Value *RevenueBreakdown(std::string symbol = "", std::string cik = "");
Json::Value *SecFilings(std::string symbol = "", std::string cik = "", std::string accessNumber = "", std::string from = "", std::string to = "", std::string form = "");
Json::Value *InternationalFilings(std::string symbol = "", std::string country = "");
Json::Value *SecSentimentAnalysis(std::string accessNumber);
Json::Value *SimilarityIndex(std::string symbol = "", std::string cik = "", std::string freq = "annual");
Json::Value *IpoCalender(std::string from, std::string to);
Json::Value *Dividends(std::string symbol, std::string from, std::string to);

//Stock Estimates
Json::Value *StockRecommendationTrends(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *StockPriceTarget(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *StockUpgradeDowngrade(std::string symbol = "", std::string from = "", std::string to = "");
Json::Value *StockRevenueEstimates(std::string symbol, std::string freq = "quarterly");
Json::Value *StockEarningsEstimates(std::string symbol, std::string freq = "quarterly");
Json::Value *StockEarningsSuprises(std::string symbol, std::string limit = "");
Json::Value *StockEarningsCalendar(std::string symbol = "", std::string from = "", std::string to = "", std::string international = "false");

//Stock Price
Json::Value *StockQuote(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *StockCandles(std::string symbol, std::string resolution, std::string from, std::string to);
Json::Value *StockTickData(std::string symbol, std::string date, std::string limit, std::string skip);
Json::Value *StockHistoricalNBBO(std::string symbol, std::string date, std::string limit, std::string skip);
Json::Value *StockLastAskBid(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *StockSplits(std::string symbol, std::string from, std::string to);
Json::Value *StockDividends_2(std::string symbol);

//ETF & Indices
Json::Value *IndicesConstituents(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *IndicesHistoricalConstituents(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *EtfProfile(std::string symbol = "", std::string isin = "");
Json::Value *EtfHoldings(std::string symbol = "", std::string isin = "", std::string skip = "");
Json::Value *EtfSector(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *EtfCountry(std::string symbol);

//Mutual Funds
Json::Value *MutualFundsProfile(std::string symbol = "", std::string isin = "");
Json::Value *MutualFundsHoldings(std::string symbol = "", std::string isin = "", std::string skip = "");
Json::Value *MutualFundsSector(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *MutualFundsCountry(std::string symbol);

Json::Value *ForexExchanges();
Json::Value *ForexSymbol(std::string exchange);
Json::Value *ForexCandles(std::string symbol, std::string resolution, std::string from, std::string to);
Json::Value *ForexRates(std::string base = "EUR");

Json::Value *CryptoExchanges();
Json::Value *CryptoSymbols(std::string exchange);
Json::Value *CryptoCandles(std::string symbol, std::string resolution, std::string from, std::string to);

//Technical Analysis
Json::Value *PatternRecognition(std::string symbol, std::string resolution);
Json::Value *Support_Resistance_Level(std::string symbol, std::string resolution);
Json::Value *AggregateIndicators(std::string symbol, std::string resolution);
Json::Value *TechnicalIndicators(std::string symbol, std::string resolution, std::string from, std::string to, std::string indicator, std::string indicator_fields = ""); //TODO: fix indicator fields

//Alternative Data
Json::Value *TranscriptsList(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *Transcripts(std::string id);
Json::Value *SocialSentiment(std::string symbol, std::string from = "", std::string to = "");
Json::Value *InvestmentThemes(std::string theme);
Json::Value *SupplyChain(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *CompanyESG(std::string symbol);
Json::Value *EarningsQualityScore(std::string symbol, std::string freq);
Json::Value *COVID_19();
Json::Value *FdaCalendar();

Json::Value *CountryList();
Json::Value *EconomicCalendar();
Json::Value *EconomicCodes();
Json::Value *EconomicData(std::string code);


Stock Fundamentals
Stock Estimates
ETFS & indices
Mutual Funds:
Technical Analysis
Alternative Data