Package ipfix implements an IPFIX (RFC 5101) parser and interpreter.
Input data from an io.Reader
or a []byte
is parsed and chunked into
messages. Template management and the standard IPFIX types are implemented
so a fully parsed data set can be produced. Vendor fields can be added at
To read an IPFIX stream, create a Session and then use ParseBuffer to parse data coming from a single UDP packet or similar.
var conn net.PacketConn // from somewhere
buf := make([]byte, 65507) // maximum UDP payload length
s := ipfix.NewSession()
for {
n, _, err := conn.ReadFrom(buf)
// handle err
msg, err := s.ParseBuffer(buf[:n])
// handle msg and err
To interpret records for correct data types and field names, use an interpreter:
i := ipfix.NewInterpreter(s)
var fieldList []ipfix.InterpretedField
for _, rec := range msg.DataRecords {
fieldList = i.InterpretInto(rec, fieldList[:cap(fieldList)])
// handle the field list
To add a vendor field to the dictionary so that it will be resolved by Interpret, create a DictionaryEntry and call AddDictionaryEntry.
e := ipfix.DictionaryEntry{
Name: "someVendorField",
FieldId: 42,
EnterpriseId: 123456,
Type: ipfix.Int32
The MIT license.
See the documentation.