###Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) with neural network (NN) agent @poker game environment with Python & TensorFlow(TF)
Machine Learining (ML) areas:
- DRL + NN to make good decisions (building the strategy)
- limited observation data and noisy input
- efficient environment (data) representation for NN & RL
- backpropagation & high poker variance
- genetic algorithms (GA) implementation
tech scope:
- advanced neural networks architectures @TensorFlow
- data processing with Python
- Python Multiprocessing & TensorFlow (many processes, many GPUs and a lot of data for parallel computing)
- Genetic Algorithms with TensorFlow based neural models
if you are interested in collaboration please email me
To run training scripts you will need about 50 CPU cores, 80GB RAM and a single GPU system. If you are not going to use pretrained cardNet, which is optional, you will not need a GPU.
- Create virtualenv with python 3.6
$ virtualenv -p python3.6 venv
- Activate it
$ source venv/bin/activate
- Install requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install spacy en model
$ python -m spacy download en
- Init and update ptools submodule
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
- You will also need tkinter for GUI (pypoks_human_game.py), please install it for python3.6
###Reinforcement Learning This repo is configured for reinforcement learning of limit texas holdem poker with 3 players. You can change configuration or please contact me if you have any questions. To run reinforcement learning (NN training):
- If you want to use pretrained cardNet (sppeds-up reinforcement learning) you have to train cardNet by running:
$ python podecide/cardNet/cardNet_train.py
Training of cardNet uses single GPU and will take about 1 hour on GTX1080. You can also skip training of cardNet. Pypoks reinforcement learning will run without it.
- Run pypoks_training.py
$ python pypoks_training.py
In case of "OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files" You may need to increase open files limit before:
$ ulimit -n 65535
After the training check Tensorboard (--logdir="_models") for some stats of the reinforcement process.
- Run human game with trained AI player
$ python pypoks_human_game.py