
An alternative solution to remind your users to review your app by

Primary LanguageSwift


During the past years I realized that "traditional" prompts (e.g. Appirater) for rating apps do no longer work. The "conversion rates" for these methods are nowadays nearly at nil.

The following is my alternate solution. It is a subclass of UIView which can basically be put anywhere in your app (e.g. on top of the App Settings). I believe this solution is better, because it does not interrupt the user's experience, instead the user him/herself decides to give feedback (pull instead of push). More info here: https://medium.com/app-store-boosting/good-practices-to-influence-your-app-revenues-using-app-store-reviews-acfb421cafe#.3qmp4dyyl

alt tag


Requires Swift 3. Last stable Swift 2 version: a1e013c


  • Copy the AppReviewKit.swift, Localizable.strings and Image files into your project
  • Add the ReviewView anywhere in your app (please note - it requires about 100pt in height)
let reviewView = ReviewView(frame: yourFrame, style: .Default)
  • Set the ReviewViewDelegate and implement the delegate methods
reviewView.delegate = self
  • If you're using .Stars style, remember to copy the star icons into Images.xcassets
  • All set!



alt tag

let reviewView = ReviewView(frame: CGRect, style: ReviewViewStyle)
/* customize appearance */

Customize Appearance

reviewView.backgroundColor = ...
reviewView.titleFont = ...
reviewView.titleColor = ...
reviewView.primaryButtonFont = ...
reviewView.primaryButtonTextColor = ...
reviewView.primaryButtonFillColor = ...
reviewView.secondaryButtonFont = ...
reviewView.secondaryButtonTextColor = ...
reviewView.secondaryButtonFillColor = ...


func userDidRespond(response: ReviewViewResponse!) {
  // advice: log event with Flurry, Fabric, etc.
  // ReviewViewResponses: 
  // .Satisfied / .Dissatisfied (ReviewViewStyle.Default)
  // .OneStar, .TwoStars, etc. (ReviewViewStyle.Stars)

func userDidContactSupport(response: Bool?) {
  if response == true {
    // open Support Contact sheet
    // fade ReviewView out
  } else {
    // fade ReviewView out

 func userDidReviewApp(response: Bool?) {
  if response == true {
    // open App Store
    // fade ReviewView out
  } else {
    // fade ReviewView out


AppReviewKit was created by Josef Moser. I am an independent software developer and co-founder of Cora Health and Cryptoradar.

Find me on: Github or Twitter


We welcome contribution to this project by opening issues or pull request.


AppReviewKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info. If you'd like to acknowledge the author of AppReviewKit, please set a link to this GitHub page.