
A journal (which requires authentication) that will enable its users to CRUD their posts, serving as a to-do list ou just as a blog respository. https://blog-ts-firebase-f9ea4.web.app

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A journal (which requires authentication) that will enable its users to Read, Create and Delete their posts, serving as a to-do list ou just as a blog respository.

Frontend deployed at:


Table of contents

General view

The challenge

Blog-Journal is a project that the user is able to create, after sign in up, read and delete their posts. It's possible to sort them by its title. The users are capable of

  • log in and authenticate themselves through a Google account;
  • create posts;
  • sort posts by title;
  • delete posts


The development process

Tools used


  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Axios
  • Firebase Hosting
  • CSS


  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • cors
  • Firestore - Functions

Lessons learned

In this project I could improve my knowledge in both front-end and back-end, by:

  • Using and learning about new libraries and frameworks and its applicabilities.
  • Using Firebase Functions to set the CRUD routes and Firestore to create and manage database.
  • Fetching the backend using async actions.


If you want to import this project into your local work:

git clone git@github.com:calopessoa/Blog-like-Jounal-with-Firestore.git
  • To compile it, run:
npm run build
  • To launch the application, run:
npm start


  • Implement update functionality to posts
  • Implement tests
  • Improve the UI/Design
