
townsq - cypress blackbox testing tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project for UI testing at TownSq's homepage.

Tools used:

  • JavasScript
  • Cypress
  • Cucumber
  • xpath lib for Cypress
  • Github Actions

About GitHub Actions with Cypress:

A config to CI/CD with cypress tests was made, following the official documentation: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/continuous-integration/github-actions#Basic-Setup

The tests will result with some cases failing, and it'll be the case until the web application is corrected


To use this 2e2 tool, first import the project:

git clone 'git@github.com:calopessoa/townsq.git'

Then, move to the local folder:

cd townsq

Then, install the dependencies:

npm install

Finally, run the script for cypress:

npm run cy

Follow the UI directions for using the test suite