
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/pygoo

Primary LanguagePython



This software bundle is released under the GPL version 3 (see gpl.txt,
included) and contains the following files:

README - this file.
pygoo.py - the main pygoo module.  Include this in your code.
spark.py - the parser module, built-in in Python 2.5.1 and higher.

gpl.txt - GPL version 3.

    bindingDemo.py - binding callback functions automatically.
    iterableDemo.py - iterable widget-creation "pipeline".
    recoveringSourceTextDemo.py - XML objects remember their source.
    simpleDemo.py - basic usage of toXML() and realize() functions.

The pygoo module is dependant on ElementTree [1] which is included in
Python version 2.5 and greater,  you'll need to install it [2] if you're
using an earlier version of Python.  The pygoo.py module tries to import
the ElementTree package from 'xml.etree.ElementTree', the 2.5 default,
and then 'elementtree.ElementTree'.  If it can't be located under one of
those two "paths" then you'll have to edit the import statement in
pygoo.py to relflect the correct package path.

Pygoo is also dependant on John Aycock's SPARK (Scanning, Parsing, and
Rewriting Kit) [3] which is included in Python 2.5.1, but if you're using
an ealier version of Python you'll have to include the spark.py module in
your code along with the pygoo.py module.

Thanks, and enjoy,
~Simon Forman

For more please visit http://www.pygoo.com/

[1] http://docs.python.org/lib/module-xml.etree.ElementTree.html
[2] http://effbot.org/zone/element-index.htm
[3] http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~aycock/spark/