
For this weekend project I decided to use the turtle library in python to recreate the classic nokia game 'snake' accompanied by graphics and high score functionality.

Primary LanguagePython

Recreation of classic nokia game "snake"

For a weekend project I decided to task myself to build a small game using python to mimick and replicate the classic nokia game "snake". This is a game I played as a child so I particularly enjoyed recreating this classic game. Although this is a relatively simple application - it required I learn a lot about basic game development, something I'd never approached before.

What the classic game looks like

As we can see the design of this game is quite simple - to mimick the classic backlit monochrome graphic LCD display I downloaded GIMP photo editor and designed a background with the exact same colours as the screen default colours. I also placed a place line box around the screen as seen above. The score indicator and level indicator are added in later using python.