##A canonical test-case for earthquake detection and automated analysis.
#Motivations: Various detection methods have been devised, but comparing them is difficult – case-by-case, different methods have different benefits. We seek to provide structured synthetic test-cases, where the distribution of earthquakes is known, to fully test the accuracy of these methods, as well as their efficiency. These synthetic test-cases will be open-source and provide a transparent benchmark for further improvements in earthquake detection and analysis.
- sta/lta
- matched-filter
- subspace
- cross-station
- autocorrelation
- synthetic matched-filter
- brightness / back-projection
- Magnitude calculation methods
- auto-pick amplitudes
- Relative amplitudes
- Location resolution
- Background poisson
- Tremorous (think about freq content & duration)
- Swarm
- Mainshock-aftershock.
#Tectonic settings:
- Vertical fault in simple horizontally-layered velocity model (SAF)
- Subduction type setting
- Geothermal type setting
- Generate velocity models for synthetic tectonic settings;
- Write scripts to generate synthetic waveforms using SPECFEM3D, to be used as templates/seeds;
- Generate synthetic miniseed files with background noise seeded with waveforms;
#Repository contents
- models: Synthetic 3D velocity models;
- scripts: Scripts to generate synthetic templates and synthetic data;
- templates: Synthetic template waveforms, all synthetic earthquakes should be stored here;
- synth_data: Continuous synthetic dataset to try and detect within.