Dev notes:

  • Events create condition for signals. In order to find a suspicious contract call we first need to identify suspicious addresses then identify the contracts that these addresses create. The tests use the example in docs/
  • Tests require network connection and Infura token, not ideal but wanted to get things up and be sure they were working
  • Events can call the API so they aren't strictly pure. When a smart contract is created we need to call eth_getTransactionReceipt to get contract address, I wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to let events make further API calls but added this so we could get it working. Because we need async, there are relatively few perf implications...all events/signals can be called async, I think the only footgun here is when we update cache.


Tests currently require Infura token because of the dependency of ID:3 event on eth_getTransactionReceipt.

TOKEN=<token> cargo test


Currently uses sqlx. Because of an issue with Supabase the db can't be reset.

Setup: cargo install sqlx-cli

Add migration: sqlx migrate add <name>

Run migration: sqlx migrate run

Create reversible migrations: sqlx migrated add -r <name>

Revert migration: sqlx migrate revert


write_block_by_number_json - gets a block from API and writes block.json file to CWD, used to get the right blocks for testing

TOKEN=<token> cargo run --bin write_block_by_number_json <block_number>

write_transaction_receipt_by_hash_json - gets a transaction receipt from API and writes transaction.json file to CWD, used to get the right receipts for testing

TOKEN=<token> cargo run --bin write_transaction_receipt_by_hash_json <transaction_hash>

runner - this is an example of the event loop showing how everything fits together, not functional

roadmap to PoC (getting up to what defimon has)

Configure Reth Node:

  • sync node ( takes time), so likely need to use provider like infura then switch over.
  • configure node to specs / manage peer quality
  • archive node or full node ?

Use eth_getCode JSON-RPC Method:

  • event listener : new contract created
  • event listener: large transaction
  • sends an eth_getCode JSON-RPC request to Reth node (provider in interim)

Stolen from defimon's docs but we will definitely need to implement most of these methods

the idea here is to extract information that we can use to determine if a contract is malicious or not based on a function's name, the solidity code, the opcodes, and other factors.

Chain access

get_balance() -> u256 - return the balance of a given address

is_contract() -> bool - check if the provided address contains a contract

resolve_name() -> hexstring - resolve an ENS address into an address hexstring

read_slot(addr: , slot: ) -> u256 - read the value from a slot location of the given address

static_call(addr: , function_name: , param_types: , param_values: ) -> ethabi - perform a constant call (on functions marked as view or pure) with param_types and param_values specified with ethabi syntax, and function_name a method of the contract (e.g. `static_call(, "name", "bytes", "dead..beef")), return an ethabi format token value

static_call_hash(addr: , function_hash: , param_types: , param_values: ) -> ethabi - perform a constant call (on functions marked as view or pure) with param_types and param_values specified with ethabi syntax, and function_hash the 4-byte selector signature of the function in hexadecimal (e.g. `static_call(, "3b3b57de", "bytes", "dead..beef")), return an ethabi format token value

static_call_repr(addr: , function_name: , param_types: , param_values: ) -> bytes - perform a constant call (on functions marked as view or pure) with param_types and param_values specified with ethabi syntax, and function_name a method of the contract (e.g. `static_call(, "name", "bytes", "dead..beef")), return an ethabi-formatted value string representation

static_call_hash_repr(addr: , function_hash: , param_types: , param_values: ) -> bytes - perform a constant call (on functions marked as view or pure) with param_types and param_values specified with ethabi syntax, and function_hash the 4-byte selector signature of the function in hexadecimal (e.g. static_call(, "3b3b57de", "bytes", "dead..beef")), return an ethabi-formatted value string representation

get_contract_events(addr: , event_def: , topics: ) -> array<map> - get the event logs of a contract, filtered by the provided topics, with event_def holding a solidity event definition (e.g. event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value)), and the topics filter represented as an ethabi-formatted literal of a tuple of arrays containing the values, with an empty array representing any value. Returns an array of maps of ethabi values, representing the list of matching events

Implement a severity scoring system to rate the suspiciousness of a contract based on our criteria.

  • Analyze the decompiled opcode to determine if the contract is funded by Tornado Cash. look for specific function names, code patterns, or other indicators (Natspec, logs, function types, events emitted).

  • outside of the tornado cash bit, Defimon also gives High severity to • msg.value multicalls ( "allocate with constant msg.value can be called multiple times") • no slippage check ( "no slippage check on uniswap") • solidity.encode-packed-collision (abi.encodePacked hash collision with variable length arguments in deploy()) • solidity.unrestricted-transferownership (Unrestricted transferOwnership) • solidity.incorrect-use-of-blockhash blockhash(block.number) and blockhash(block.number + N) always returns 0.

  • defimon applies a medium risk severity to these: • solidity.uniswap-callback-not-protected Uniswap callback is not protected

  • impl function that scans a user-provided transaction hash for the contract creation event and then calls the eth_getCode JSON-RPC method to extract the contract bytecode and checks for signals.

Data Persistence and caching

  • store the results of the analysis in a database (likely postgres) so that we can query the results later.
  • Decision needs to be made about what is actually persisted. Likely only information about contracts that are deemed malicious will be persisted.


  • run the analysis on a set of known malicious contracts to see if the system would have flagged them as malicious.
  • run the analysis on a set of known benign contracts to see if the system would have flagged them as malicious.