Stock Options Performance Tracker

Elevator Pitch

  • This app keeps track of Stock Options performance in your portfolio.
  • While there are many apps and websites out there to help manage your stock performance (because it's pretty straight forward), there aren't many applications and websites created to keep track of your options trade performance against your portfolio. This app will be based on an existing online spreadsheet called the "Options Tracker Spreadsheet" -


Current known dependencies:

  1. Create React App
  2. Stock and Options quote service API (this may not be needed)
  3. Firebase to store all entered stock options trades
  4. Reactstrap package for Bootstrap styling

Task list

  1. Create React shell and test deployment on git pages - 6/13/2018
  2. Create all component shells - 6/13/2018
  3. Create input page for trade input - 6/16/2018
    • Underlying stock symbol
    • trade open date
    • option expiration date
    • option type (Put or Call)
    • transation type (Buy/Sell)
    • option strike price
    • option premium
    • number of contracts
    • fees (commission + per contract)
    • exit Price
    • close date
  4. Create basic derived values - 6/17/2018
    • underlying stock price (stock quote API) - time and resource availability permitting
  5. Create a table of all trades with above inputs and derived values - 6/17/2018
  6. Create summary of options trades performance - 6/18/2018
    • Monthly Option income
    • Annual Option income
    • Option income graph by month - time permitting
    • Performance against portfolio capital (whether reserved or idle) - time permitting

Update - Additional Features

  • Use a more reliable stock quote service instead of Alapha Vantage. I will try iex, which has an npm package I can install

  • Basic form entry validation, on submit and delete, etc...

  • Field validation

    • Expiration is after open date
    • Current premium is less than current stock price
  • When clicking on any particular row, that row should be highlighted to indicate it has been clicked

  • When hovering over the row, the row should highlight a different color from that of selected and other

  • Signin/Signout - present login for Google

  • Color scheme is attrocious - do something about it

  • Support bulk upload via csv, and excel/google sheets

  • Total cash reserve required should be calculated based on open positions, along with actual cash reserve available for trade

  • Summary graphs and charts for performance, as well as year in review.

  • Total Cash reserve used - add to bottom of main puts/calls page