
Solutions for the Test Assignment with detailed description in README

Primary LanguageScala

Test Assignment


Provided that, f(x) = f(x-1)+f(x-1)
This implies, f(x) = 2*f(x-1)

Now, f(0) = 1
f(1) = 2*f(0) = 2^1 = 2
f(2) = 2*f(1) = 2^2 = 4
f(3) = 2*f(2) = 2^3 = 8
.. so on

Thus, f(x) = 2^x

Hence, we can simply define the function using scala's math library

def f(x: Int) : Int = { 
  pow(2, x).toInt
  1. big-O complexity of solution = big-O complexity of the scala.math.pow function. This function internally uses java.lang.Math.pow. Assuming that Java pow function is O(1), we can claim that our function is also having a complexity of O(1).
  2. As the library function used for this problem is having O(1) complexity and is already optimised, hence the only possible way to optimize is to implement a better algorithm than the one used by Java library function.

Using APIs and testing: JSON serialization

  • JSON Library: play.api.libs.json
  • Build Tool: sbt
  • Testing: ScalaTest
  1. Unmarshalling: Convert JSON string of boolean expression into BooleanExpression object
  2. Marshalling: Converts BooleanExpression object to JSON string
  • Driver class provides the a running example of basic test cases. Please run the same in your IDE.
  • All test cases reside in the test directory. Please run the same in your IDE. To run them from terminal, please execute sbt test.

Bonus assignments

  • Boolean Algebra Server using: Play Framework
  1. Algebraic Transformation: Functionality of DNF and CNF transformation has been added. A running example for both is available in Driver class.
  2. You may startup the server using your IDE. To start the server from terminal, execute the command sbt run. Open the page http://localhost:9000 which provides sample cURL requests.