I'm a software engineer with experience with Ruby, Ruby on Rails, React, Redux, and JavaScript. I love solving difficult problems and learning new things.
New York
calvincu1230's Followers
- al6New York, NY
- anicholas4747New York, NY
- aracpyonBloomberg
- ArtanemisApp Academy
- chenq7Brooklyn, NY
- cjblakelyNew York, NY
- CoreyJamesLynchNew York
- CsJohnJJNew York, New York
- dansteryooNYC
- elonrovNew York City
- fox-emmaNew York, NY
- gonsajePiSrc
- harryzecNew York
- KaichloeNew York
- lifesscholar
- melluoApp Academy
- phongngo91New York City
- RazEfronNew York City
- rlim92
- RobZahn
- sharshi
- ShawkiKasedBrooklyn, NY
- WayattearpApp Academy