The complete write-up can be found on my github [page] [page]:
This is a lazy write-up because the details are on my github page.
The following is a sigmoid function
![sigmoid] [sigmoid]: ./img/sigmoid.png Sigmoid function is a S-shaped function with a range from 0 to 1 as output. This is the basis for our hypothesis in this regression model.
[prob]: ./img/prob.png
Our hypothesis function describes the probability of y = 1
given a list of parameters and features.
What does y = 1
mean though? The output denoted as y
takes on two values, either 0 or 1. It is an answer to the yes-or-no question. For this particular project, 1 represents a win while 0 represents a loss in League of Legend matches. But of course, this regression model can generalize to many other real life applications.
![hypo] [hypo]: ./img/hypo.png ![theta-t-x] [theta-t-x]: ./img/theta-transpose-x.png
function thetaTransposeX(theta, xVector) {
let sum = theta[0];
for (let i = 0; i < xVector.length; i++) {
sum += xVector[i]*theta[i + 1];
return sum;
This is the hypothesis function. x = [x1, x2, x3]
which is called the feature vector. Features are the inputs. For example, if we were to predict housing price, x1 can be the size of a house, x2 can be the number of bedrooms in a house, and x3 can be the size of the garage in a house. The theta(s) are the parameters we are trying to find through gradient descent.
// Hypothesis function
function sigmoid(theta, xVector) {
return 1/(1 + Math.exp(-1 * thetaTransposeX(theta, xVector)));
![cost] [cost]: ./img/cost-function.png Gradient descent is an optimization technique for maximizing likelihood, or in other words, it minimizes the cost function. What does cost function do though? The cost function J is describing how well the hypothesis fits with the training data.
function costFunction(theta, x, y, lambda) {
// m denotes # of data points, n denotes # of features.
let m = y.length, n = theta.length;
let regularizedFactor = theta.slice(1).reduce((accum, el) => {return accum + el;});
regularizedFactor *= lambda/(2*m);
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) {
let temp = y[i]*Math.log(sigmoid(theta, x[i]));
temp += (1 - y[i])*Math.log(1 - sigmoid(theta, x[i]));
sum += temp;
return regularizedFactor - (sum/m);
We will repeat the following code until convergence.
![theta-0] [theta-0]: ./img/theta-0.png ![theta-j] [theta-j]: ./img/theta-j.png
function gradientDescent(x, y) {
// a: learning rate, lambda: regularization
let a = 0.01, lambda = 0.001, thetas = [0, 0, 0, 0];
let n = thetas.length, gradient;
do {
let thetasTemp = thetas.slice();
gradient = [djTheta0(thetasTemp, x, y)];
for (let j = 1; j < n; j++) {
gradient.push(djThetaJ(thetasTemp, x, y, j, lambda));
for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) {
thetas[j] = thetas[j] - (a*gradient[j]);
} while (!isConverged(gradient));
return thetas;