Rust Wasm Project

To build the WebAssembly

wasm-pack build --target web -d public/pkg


To watch and make changes

cargo watch

In /src/datasets there are two data sets.

studies.js - is an array of study objects.

Important Fields

testName studyId is a unique identifier testResultType can be "quant" "qual" or "other" methodComparison is an object with a sampleIds array of unique strings for samples

samples.js - is an array of samples objects

Important Fields

sampleId unique identifier of the sample [studyId] from the studies object. This sometimes contains an actual and/or expected values that can be strings or integers.


From the react front end, create a button that will start a Rust wasm function that can accept the studies and samples array.

For each study in the studies array, in methodComparison there is the array of sampleIds.

For each of the samples with a matching sampleId, in the samples' field [studyId] there are actual and expected fields.

If the study.testResultType is "quant", return the average value (mean) of all the actual field values and the expected field values. If it is a string you must parse to a float.

If the study.testResultType is "qual", return the count of "Pos" and count of "Neg"

These should return an array of studies like so

    studyId: "string",
    testName: "string",
    testResultType: "string",
    methodComparison: {
      samplesCount: int,
      mean: number,     // if testResultType === "quant"
      posCount: int,    // if testResultType === "qual",
      negCount: int     // if testResultType === "qual"
  }, ...