
The S3 SQS extended library built on Alpakka with configurable delivery semantics

Primary LanguageScala

Reactive Amazon SQS Extended Library

This project is a reactive implementation of the Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java and is built on Alpakka's SQS and S3 sources and sinks.

This library provides flows for publishing consuming messages that exceed the 256 KB limit that SQS imposes:

  • Publishing
    • largeMessageStorageSupport: Checks whether message is large and persists it in S3 and created a pointer in the SQS message
  • Consuming
    • largeMessageRetrievalSupport: Checks whether the SQS message is an S3 pointer and retrieves it
    • enrichMessageContent: Used for acknowledging large messages and removing them from S3 (this is optional and is used when the downstream wants to know about message metadata)
    • largeMessageAckSupport: removes the big message from S3

Here's an example of how to achieve at-least-once-delivery semantics with very large messages:

// Producer
import com.github.calvin.experiments.ReactiveExtendedLibrary._
import akkastreams._
import datatypes._
import akka.stream.scaladsl._
import akka.stream.alpakka.s3.scaladsl._
import akka.stream.alpakka.sqs._
import akka.stream.alpakka.sqs.MessageAction.Delete
import akka.stream.alpakka.sqs.scaladsl._
import com.amazonaws.services.sqs.model._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import akka.{Done, NotUsed}

val s3Client: S3Client = ???
val s3BucketName: String = ???
val sqsMessageSource: Source[Message, NotUsed] = ???
val sqsPublishSink: Sink[SendMessageRequest, Future[Done]] = ???
val ackFlow: Flow[MessageAction, SqsAckResult, NotUsed] = ???
val lotsOfContent: String = (1 to 16000).map(i => s"$i: hello world").mkString("\n")

val producerStream: Future[Done] = 
  Source(List("1", "2", lotsOfContent))
   .map(msg => new SendMessageRequest().withMessageBody(msg).withMessageGroupId("EXAMPLE"))
   .via(largeMessageStorageSupport(s3BucketName, "calvin")(s3Client))
// Consumer with at-least-once-delivery semantics (with respect to removing data from S3)
val consumerAtleastOnceStream: Future[Done] = sqsMessageSource
    .map {
      case Left(ErrorAndMessage(error, message)) => message
      case Right(message) => message
    .map(msg => Delete(msg))

The main problem with the original library is that messages on S3 are deleted before they are consumed on SQS which leads to a lot of problems. The implementation above deletes the message on S3 after it is removed from SQS

NOTE: Make sure to use the following SQS settings when consuming messages as message metadata is required:

import akka.stream.alpakka.sqs._
import akka.stream.alpakka.sqs.scaladsl._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

 val sqsSourceSettings =   SqsSourceSettings()
    .withAttributes(All :: Nil)
    .withMessageAttributes(MessageAttributeName("S3_LOCATION") :: MessageAttributeName("S3_KEY") :: MessageAttributeName("S3_BUCKET") :: Nil)