- 8
How to use in Browser?
#70 opened by klues - 5
- 0
Getting error while using with react native.
#85 opened by jaikishore08 - 2
How import CryptoPouch with Typescript ?
#73 opened by jusmar3105 - 1
Replicate data encrypted
#84 opened by nkosi23 - 4
#81 opened by ramblin-rose - 2
- 2
- 18
Replicate to remote CouchDB
#44 opened by chatzipan - 5
enhancement: support changing password
#42 opened by arolson101 - 6
The application freezes when executing db.crypto
#53 opened by alvin-ho - 2
- 4
- 9
enhancement: support usage without chacha
#43 opened by arolson101 - 13
crypto-pouch and ionic 2 again
#59 opened by tubauwe - 2
Crypto-pouch and ionic 2
#23 opened by tubauwe - 2
Not working with Angular 6.1.8 - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined at inherits (/node_modules/hash-base/index.js:16)
#67 opened by kgathuru - 2
Suggestion: padding encrypted documents
#51 opened by jackkleeman - 1
- 6
- 1
How to change password?
#35 opened by PiotrSss - 1
Possible need for more explicit examples
#21 opened by justgage - 3
- 5
React native support
#39 opened by ck-kc - 2
- 2
- 1
TypeError: crypto.pbkdf2 is not a function
#30 opened by JoellyR - 1
- 4
Not working in chrome
#17 opened by kulwinders - 24
Problems to decrypt data
#16 opened by tubauwe - 2
db.createIndex is not a function
#62 opened by swagatata - 2
Unencrypted replicated _deleted documents
#19 opened by xMartin - 2
- 4
Questions around transparent encryption.
#68 opened by redixhumayun - 4
Will crypto-pouch be updated?
#72 opened by thebitguru - 2
The value "NaN" is invalid for option "size"
#75 opened by Cherviakov - 2
moderate vulnerabilities in crypto-pouch
#76 opened by joemc11 - 3
- 4
- 1
Browser support. Is crypto-pouch db supported by all browsers supported by pouchdb?
#61 opened by swagatata - 10
- 2
Trying to use crypto-pouch with create-react-app
#57 opened by kavaro - 7
crypto.pbkdf2 is not a function
#55 opened by kdkul - 18
Remote CouchDB is not encrypted
#54 opened by vardas-bill - 9
- 0
pouchdb 6.1 with crypto-pouch 3.1.1 throws Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data
#48 opened by amruthgs - 1
Cannot read property 'listenerCount' of undefined
#47 opened by tubauwe - 7
Crypto-Pouch and typescript
#40 opened by tubauwe - 6
crypto-pouch 3.0.0 with pouchdb 6.1.0 fails
#46 opened by amruthgs - 8
Import crypt-pouch and all its dependencies into the web app without using nodejs or bower
#22 opened by ajithmjose