- 5
Support ES2018 or later
#42 opened by falsandtru - 3
escope dependency is out of date
#37 opened by jhogendorn - 12
Exclude modules from derequire?
#36 opened by JakeSidSmith - 4
Exclude external dependencies
#35 opened by falsandtru - 4
Document plugin?
#34 opened by jmm - 2
Create LICENSE file
#31 opened by jaredsmith - 6
c-extension intruduced by yargs is a hazard
#29 opened by stefanpenner - 1
- 1
- 1
Why is derequire useful?
#22 opened by thadk - 1
Browserify transform
#21 opened by brian-c - 2
command-line versions
#13 opened - 2
- 4
Misses nested require
#7 opened by thlorenz - 2
slow and messes up code
#1 opened by calvinmetcalf