Maxima is a symbolic computation program. It is full featured, doing symbolic manipulation of polynomials, matrices, rational functions, integration, Todd-coxeter, graphing, bigfloats. It has a symbolic debugger source level debugger for maxima code. Maxima is based on the original Macsyma developed at MIT in the 1970's. It comes with extensive self tests. Maxima is distributed under the GNU General Public License, with some export restrictions from the U.S. Department of Energy. See the file COPYING. Installation information is available in the file INSTALL. Summary information about this release can be found in the file NEWS. Detailed change information is available in the ChangeLog. A simple usage example: (%i1) pyth:a^2+b^2=c^2; (%o1) b^2+a^2=c^2 (%i2) solve(pyth,a); (%o2) [a=-sqrt(c^2-b^2),a=sqrt(c^2-b^2)] (%i3) integrate(x*sin(a*x),x); (%o3) (sin(a*x)-a*x*cos(a*x))/a^2 For more information on Maxima, see the Maxima web site, <>.