List of uses of AI for government

Welcome to the awesome list of uses of AI in government! Below are projects that contributors have read about, participated in, or believe are feasible based on experience with related applications. If you would like to add or revise an item on the list, please send a Pull Request through GitHub.

Potential Agency Application Technology
Agriculture Macro crop / tree / plant identification Supervised ML and computer vision
Agriculture Micro leaf / fruit / other feature identification for harvest, pruning, etc. Supervised ML and computer vision
Agriculture Weed / pest identification Supervised ML and computer vision
Agriculture Erosion / sand / rock identification Supervised ML and computer vision
Agriculture Animal - breed (wanted or unwanted) / disease / other health detection Supervised ML and computer vision
Agriculture Robotic farming (combines several of the above) Supervised ML and computer vision
Agriculture Fertilizer / pesticide recommendation and optimization Supervised ML
Agriculture Precision irrigation Supervised ML and computer vision
Agriculture Meteorology and effects on crop yield Supervised ML
Agriculture Market forecasting Supervised ML
Agriculture Crop / animal yield forecasting Supervised ML
Agriculture Food grading (fruit, meat, etc.) Supervised ML and computer vision
Agriculture Food label inspection Supervised ML and computer vision
Commerce Prediction of individual survey response or survey response rate Supervised ML
Commerce Economic / business forecasting Supervised ML
Commerce Fuzzy matching of trademarks / business entities Supervised ML
Commerce Classification / triage of industry and speciality for patent applications Natural language processing and supervised ML
Commerce Prediction of trademark/patent application status (e.g. approved, clarification) Natural language processing and supervised ML
Commerce Commercial fishery - detection of fish / boats (including unexpected boats) Supervised ML and computer vision
Commerce NTIS - offers AI services to any agency Many
Commerce Census response Supervised ML
Commerce Census anomaly detection Unsupervised ML
Commerce Meteorology and weather predictions (NOAA, NWS) Supervised ML
Commerce Determine species composition, length and count of fish from commercial fishing Supervised ML and computer vision
Defense Signal/image classification - identify vehicles, buildings, weapons, and other objects from ground, aerial, or underwater images and sensor readings (e.g. LIDAR) Supervised ML and computer vision
Defense Predictive maintenance - proactively suggest maintenance based on patterns seen in equipment Supervised ML and (optionally) computer vision
Defense Automated sensor fusion (automatically synthesizing data from multiple sources into a single view) Many
Defense Missle / mortar / bullet source identification through visual / radio / audio signal Supervised ML and computer vision
Education Predicting school / student success Supervised ML
Education Loan repayment probability Supervised ML
Energy Natural disaster forecast Supervised ML
Energy Energy demand and supply forecasting (improved efficiency, reduced costs and emissions) Supervised ML, Time series forecasting
Energy Simulation and other physics research Many
Energy Wildfire prediction and containment Supervised ML
Energy Prediction of breakdowns and maintenance required Supervised ML
Environmental Protection Agency Detection of unreported leaks / pollutants Supervised ML and computer vision
Environmental Protection Agency Superfund site identification and remediation recommendations Supervised ML and computer vision
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Pre-adjudiciation of discrimination claims Supervised ML and natural language processing
FDA Adverse event anomaly detection (e.g., spikes in consumer complaints about a drug) Unsupervised ML
FDA Food grading (eggs, etc.) Supervised ML and computer vision
FDA Pill identification and screening for anomalies/debris Supervised ML and computer vision
FDA Food/drug label inspection Supervised ML and computer vision
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Forecast of bank distress/ failure Supervised ML and natural language processing
General / All Fraud detection Supervised and unsupervised ML
General / All Record linkage / deduplication Supervised ML
General / All Reading text from hand-written forms Computer vision - optical character recognition
General / All Cybersecurity threat identification (e.g. malware, network probe) Supervised and unsupervised ML
General / All Helpdesk automation / chatbot Natural language processing
General / All Auto-summarization of regulations for potential reduction / combination Natural language processing
General / All Auto-summarization for rationalization of SOPs Natural language processing
General / All Extract key information and provide structure for unstructured data Natural language processing
General / All De-identification of sensitive data (e.g. for FOIA requests, analysis) Natural language processing - named entity recognition
General / All Imputing missing values in data sets Supervised ML
Health Predict health outcomes from patient/case data and design interventions to help avoid it proactively Supervised ML
Health Predicting over/under utilization of services from case/patient data Supervised ML
Health Identification of high/low risk patients for differential treatment (e.g. proactive care) Supervised ML
Health Detect conditions from wearable devices (e.g. Parkinson's from gait), diabetes from blood monitor Supervised ML and unsupervised ML
Health Prescriptive analytics for health improvement / life coaching Supervised ML
Health Diagnostic assistance from structured (e.g. patient history) and/or unstructured (e.g. lab imaging) data Supervised ML and unsupervised ML
Health Disease prognosis (e.g. likely to recover or decline) Supervised ML
Health Physician fatigue mitigation Natural language processing of medical charts , voice to text of clinical notes
Health Streamline diagnosis by analyzing structured (EHR) and unstructured medical data (e.g. radiology images, blood tests, EKGs, genomics) Natural language processing and supervised ML
Health Using image recognition to speed up insurance claims processing Supervised ML, natural language processing, and computer vision
Health Using AI to profile and explore hospital efficiency Supervised ML
Health Patient matching (a form of record linkage) Supervised ML
Homeland Security Pre-adjudication of visa/ immigration applications Supervised ML and natural language processing
Homeland Security Identification of threats to federal facilities / workers inside the US Supervised ML and computer vision
Homeland Security Identification of imports for customs duties and threat identification Supervised ML and computer vision
Homeland Security Automated screening of package / freight exterior with imaging Supervised ML and computer vision
Homeland Security Automated screening and detection of objects in package / freight interior Supervised ML and computer vision
Homeland Security Prediction of disaster response requirements Supervised ML
Homeland Security Predictive policing Supervised ML and unsupervised ML
Housing and Urban Development Identification of bias in rent/homeownership/mortgage programs Supervised ML
Interior Safety issues at oil/gas sites Supervised ML and/or computer vision
Interior Invasive species detection Supervised ML and computer vision
Justice Predicting recidivism Supervised ML
Justice Predicting risky inmates Supervised ML
Justice Detection of networks / criminal rings Supervised ML and unsupervised ML
Justice Gunshot / firearm detection Supervised ML
Justice Case review for faults/oversights Supervised ML and natural language processing
Labor Predicting industrial accidents by location Supervised ML
Labor Forecasting the severity and impact of accidents / workplace violence/ safety issues Supervised ML
Labor Predicting violations by site (e.g. from required inspections) Supervised ML
Labor Automatically detecting hazards at work sites (e.g. uncovered containers, leaking dam) Supervised ML and computer vision
Securities and Exchange Commission SupTech - automated supervision of regulatory compliance requirements (e.g. reviewing 10Ks) Supervised ML and natural language processing
State Program efficacy and program participant response Supervised ML and natural language processing
State Translation Natural language processing
State Social media monitoring for sentiment Natural language processing
Transportation Tax Trade Bureau - Alcohol Labeling inspection Supervised ML and/or computer vision
Transportation Detection of birds in the runway Supervised ML and computer vision
Transportation Airport runway pavement inspection Supervised ML and computer vision
Transportation Railroad track inspection Supervised ML and computer vision
Transportation Highway and bridge inspection automation Supervised ML and computer vision
Transportation Auto Safety - Lane keep assist systems and similar Supervised ML and computer vision
Transportation Oil/gas/chemical pipeline hazard inspection Supervised ML and computer vision
Transportation Suspicious personnel on train track right of ways Supervised ML and computer vision
Treasury Predict likelihood of succesful/appealed/overturned audit Supervised ML
Treasury Predict likelihood of substantive error in return Supervised ML
Treasury Predict which contact/response method and message will get a response from a taxpayer Supervised ML and natural language processing
USPS Handwriting recognition on hand-addressed mail Supervised ML and computer vision
USPS Route optimization Supervised ML and computer vision
Veteran's Affairs Job / skill matching based on veteran profile / resume Supervised ML
Veteran's Affairs Matching patients with clinical trrials based on medical history Supervised ML
Veteran's Affairs (see Health)