
Intallation and usage guide

The following instructions are for use with Apache NetBeans IDE 12.3 and Java1.6

Set up

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the project in NetBeans IDE. In the "Projects" window, right-click "org.sonatype.mcookbook.osgi-project (OSGi project)" and select "Clean and Build"
  3. After successfully building the project, right-click on the project again and select: "Run Maven > pax : provision" to launch the game

Using the game

  • Use the arrow keys to control the character and space bar to attack the enemies.

  • To load and unload the component, use the Apache Felix gogo shell in the "Output" window of NetBeans.

  • Type "lb" to see a list of installed bundles.

  • AttackSystem, Player, Room and Enemies are all loadable. Int the "Output" terminal, enter "stop" or "start" followed by the given bundle number.

  • E.g. to unload the Enemy component, enter "stop 14" in the gogo shell.

  • Exit the game by pressing on the exit button in the right hand corner of the window.


  • To test the components with the implemented tests, right click the component to be teste in the projects window and select "Test"

  • The components that have implemented testing are AttackSystem, Player and Enemey.